Jay Davis
I'm trying to build a circuit that digitally controls a LM317 using a
(0-5V) DAC. I'm kind of confused about the math here - I can't see how
to change the range of the LM317 to anything other than a 5V range. I
can see how to vary it from say 5 to 10, or from 17 to 22, but I can't
see how to do more than a 5V swing. Right now, I was designing the
circuit like this:
1K 240
DAC OUT--/\/\/\--ADJ--/\/\/\---VOUT
I know that the LM317 creates a 1.2V reference across the 240 ohm
resistor, for a current of 5ma. So then I figure that (VOUT -
DACOUT)=5ma(1k) = range of only +/- 5V. Can someone set me straight here?
(0-5V) DAC. I'm kind of confused about the math here - I can't see how
to change the range of the LM317 to anything other than a 5V range. I
can see how to vary it from say 5 to 10, or from 17 to 22, but I can't
see how to do more than a 5V swing. Right now, I was designing the
circuit like this:
1K 240
DAC OUT--/\/\/\--ADJ--/\/\/\---VOUT
I know that the LM317 creates a 1.2V reference across the 240 ohm
resistor, for a current of 5ma. So then I figure that (VOUT -
DACOUT)=5ma(1k) = range of only +/- 5V. Can someone set me straight here?