I've knocked up this circuit using a lm339 comparator and 555 timer
(AND8011/D) at
http://onsemi.com. I've used a BTA-16-600B triac, and an MOC3022 triac
trigger, which won't trigger the triac. The output waveform at the
transistor(pn100) seems o.k. and will light a led, but won't trigger the
bilateral switch. Any helpful suggestions gratefully received.
(AND8011/D) at
http://onsemi.com. I've used a BTA-16-600B triac, and an MOC3022 triac
trigger, which won't trigger the triac. The output waveform at the
transistor(pn100) seems o.k. and will light a led, but won't trigger the
bilateral switch. Any helpful suggestions gratefully received.