Digilent Spartan II demo board push button



Hello all,

Could someone please refresh my memory on how to use the push button
switch on the Digilent Digilab 2E board? The Webpack tool complains
about it.

A search with Google on the groups shows that this topic has come up
before, but no one actually actually posted a solution. All of the
posters either said it could be done, or posted links to the Digilent
web site where there was a solution (btndemo.vhd)

The links are all dead now as it seems Digilent is redoing their web


On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 10:38:48 -0500, Clyde <cshappee@ieeeREMOVE.org>

Hello all,

Could someone please refresh my memory on how to use the push button
switch on the Digilent Digilab 2E board? The Webpack tool complains
about it.

A search with Google on the groups shows that this topic has come up
before, but no one actually actually posted a solution. All of the
posters either said it could be done, or posted links to the Digilent
web site where there was a solution (btndemo.vhd)

The links are all dead now as it seems Digilent is redoing their web


At this link there is a copy of it
http://mercury.easternct.edu/b/brooksr/web/Lab1.txt. Also checkout the
other files at http://mercury.easternct.edu/b/brooksr/web.

Thanks Kal...

I did find it finally on their website, under reference materials and I
downloaded the file for board verification.

I had to declare an ibufg component and a new signal rst:

component IBUFG
port (I : in STD_LOGIC; O : out std_logic);
end component;

and instantiate it:

u1: ibufg port map (I => reset, O => rst);

I did this from memory last night but could not get it to go. The
reason was I failed to change reset in my process sensitivity list to
rst and the tool really complained about it. I'm all set now.

Thanks again.


kal@dspia.deletethis.com wrote:
On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 10:38:48 -0500, Clyde <cshappee@ieeeREMOVE.org

Hello all,

Could someone please refresh my memory on how to use the push button
switch on the Digilent Digilab 2E board? The Webpack tool complains
about it.

A search with Google on the groups shows that this topic has come up
before, but no one actually actually posted a solution. All of the
posters either said it could be done, or posted links to the Digilent
web site where there was a solution (btndemo.vhd)

The links are all dead now as it seems Digilent is redoing their web



At this link there is a copy of it
http://mercury.easternct.edu/b/brooksr/web/Lab1.txt. Also checkout the
other files at http://mercury.easternct.edu/b/brooksr/web.


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