The Technical Manager
Is a two conductor transmission line such as the 300 ohm parallel flat
type cable used for VHF antennas being used to convey a differential
mode signal that is at a large (approximated as infinite) distance from
a groundplane capable of conveying a common mode signal as well ? A
common mode signal can only be conveyed if one or both of the current
carrying conductors is in proximity to a grounded structure. A two
conductor transmission line conveying a differential mode signal has a
virtual groundplane between its two conductors but does a common mode
signal view this virtual groundplane in the same way as it views a real
groundplane and travels along the transmission line or is it suppressed
from the lack of a real groundplane ?
type cable used for VHF antennas being used to convey a differential
mode signal that is at a large (approximated as infinite) distance from
a groundplane capable of conveying a common mode signal as well ? A
common mode signal can only be conveyed if one or both of the current
carrying conductors is in proximity to a grounded structure. A two
conductor transmission line conveying a differential mode signal has a
virtual groundplane between its two conductors but does a common mode
signal view this virtual groundplane in the same way as it views a real
groundplane and travels along the transmission line or is it suppressed
from the lack of a real groundplane ?