Puddin' Man
I've got this old Norelco T6000 Beard Trimmer, designed as a throw-away,
that I've been nursing from year to year by soldering in new batteries.
I fear I'm down to my last solder, expect something to break, rendering
the unit unusable (given my modest skills).
Looks like a AA, Amazon has specs at 600mAh and 1.2V.
What is the best and most-long-lived battery I can buy for such a unit? I
assume there are some differences judging from the price range ($4 to $15).
Have been looking for a good replacement for the unit for years, seen
nothing the least bit impressive. "They don't make 'em like they
used to!"
"Law Without Equity Is No Law At All. It Is A Form Of Jungle Rule."
that I've been nursing from year to year by soldering in new batteries.
I fear I'm down to my last solder, expect something to break, rendering
the unit unusable (given my modest skills).
Looks like a AA, Amazon has specs at 600mAh and 1.2V.
What is the best and most-long-lived battery I can buy for such a unit? I
assume there are some differences judging from the price range ($4 to $15).
Have been looking for a good replacement for the unit for years, seen
nothing the least bit impressive. "They don't make 'em like they
used to!"
"Law Without Equity Is No Law At All. It Is A Form Of Jungle Rule."