difference between modesim XE and Modelsim SE?



I want to know the difference between modelsim XE and modesim SE?
I'm using modelsim SE 5.7d but i can't manage it with Project
Modelsim closing after the compilation of my design. It's like
"my_project.fdo" don't executing at the end wiew* or Add all...
Where is the problem?

best regards.
The main differences are :
- XE accept only precompiled Xilinx libraries (no other manufacturer).
- The simulation speed is 20 times slower on Xe as it is on Se.

I Already had problems with Project Navigator and SE when I used it until I
decide to managed it by myself (I made my own .do files with help of the
..prj file).

I think that, if you have the chance to use SE... please, keep it (this is
a question of respect for all thus who can't have SE because of the price
!!! ;-) ).



"Deville" <ydeville@cmseddyscan.com> a écrit dans le message de
I want to know the difference between modelsim XE and modesim SE?
I'm using modelsim SE 5.7d but i can't manage it with Project
Modelsim closing after the compilation of my design. It's like
"my_project.fdo" don't executing at the end wiew* or Add all...
Where is the problem?

best regards.
In article <bnoofe$bir$1@news-reader5.wanadoo.fr>, Jérémie WEBER
<weber@auvitran.com> writes
The main differences are :
- XE accept only precompiled Xilinx libraries (no other manufacturer).
- The simulation speed is 20 times slower on Xe as it is on Se.

I Already had problems with Project Navigator and SE when I used it until I
decide to managed it by myself (I made my own .do files with help of the
.prj file).

I think that, if you have the chance to use SE... please, keep it (this is
a question of respect for all thus who can't have SE because of the price
!!! ;-) ).



In summary, one is shit & one is expensive.

To throttle the single vendor product artificially is just too much.

ActiveHDL's single vendor offering is full speed btw . . . .
The Modelsim XE that comes for "free" with your Xilinx install
is limited to only about 500 lines of code. The Modelsim XE that
you pay for is unlimited, but is actually modelsim PE (privite edition)
which is performance wounded and can'd deal with PLIs.

Modelsim SE (which is modelsim EE plus a few new toys) is the
real professional version. Yes, it's pricy.

Deville wrote:

I want to know the difference between modelsim XE and modesim SE?
I'm using modelsim SE 5.7d but i can't manage it with Project
Modelsim closing after the compilation of my design. It's like
"my_project.fdo" don't executing at the end wiew* or Add all...
Where is the problem?
Check for an "exit" at the end of your .do file. That would pop
you out of the simulator. If you are running do files without
an exit, you should see "paused" on the vsim line.

NAME: David W. Bishop INTERNET: dbishop@vhdl.org

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