I have several general questions on Diac's.
It seems that some electronic places dont sell Diac's . I went to one place
that I buy parts from and they said they dont sell them.
Another place didnt have them out on the shelf for me to look at but I had
to have a part number. The sales person was somewhat unfamiler with them.
Are diac's little used ?
It also seems that there are a relatively small number of Diacs NTE I think
has about 4 that I can see.
I'm just wondering if anyone knows why the Diac seems to be so maginalized.
Some web sites list them as "Bidirectional Diode Thyristors". At least I
asume thats a Diac. eg. It is in the Thyristor family, it is two diodes
oposite each other and it is bidirectional.
It seems that some electronic places dont sell Diac's . I went to one place
that I buy parts from and they said they dont sell them.
Another place didnt have them out on the shelf for me to look at but I had
to have a part number. The sales person was somewhat unfamiler with them.
Are diac's little used ?
It also seems that there are a relatively small number of Diacs NTE I think
has about 4 that I can see.
I'm just wondering if anyone knows why the Diac seems to be so maginalized.
Some web sites list them as "Bidirectional Diode Thyristors". At least I
asume thats a Diac. eg. It is in the Thyristor family, it is two diodes
oposite each other and it is bidirectional.