There is device checking tool in Analog Design Environment.
I have two questions about this device checking?
1. Is there a way to use this tool in OCEAN or script?
When I tried to add conditions, it takes much time to load for a
large circuit.
2. How can I do "&" operation for limit1 and limit2?
HSIM supports "&" operation. Does ADE also supports "&" for two
separate limits?
ex) checking channel length limit & vgs limit
Thanks in advance
I have two questions about this device checking?
1. Is there a way to use this tool in OCEAN or script?
When I tried to add conditions, it takes much time to load for a
large circuit.
2. How can I do "&" operation for limit1 and limit2?
HSIM supports "&" operation. Does ADE also supports "&" for two
separate limits?
ex) checking channel length limit & vgs limit
Thanks in advance