I am trying to write a program to scan the code generated by the
keyboard corresponding to various keystrokes through an FPGA board. The
project is now in an early development stage. I have written the code
which does gets compiled but it seems to have a logical error.
First of all, we need to have all the outputs of the keyboard
synchronized with an on board sys_clk signal and then we need to read
the data line during the falling edge of a particular signal also
provided by the keyboard.
Now what I've done is that I divided the tast into three processes.
1. To get the imputs synchronized to the sys_clk.
2. To detect the falling edge of the input signal kb_clk.
3. To read the scan code and then generate an appropriate output.
My Lab supervisor has provided a document which shows hows this is
supposed to be done. It can be found here:
And i've written the code for it which seem to have a logical error in
it. I have declared a signal called detect_falling_kb_clk which goes to
one for that entire period of sys_clk wherein the falling edge of the
sys_clk has been detected. As the sys_clk is very fast compared to the
kb_clk, it should appear as a pulse when compared to the kb_clk signal.
However in my code it becomes '1' during the first detected edge and
stays that way for the rest of the simulation time.
I wonder if this has made my program malfunction.
Heres the code :
-- VHDL Architecture lab1_lib.kbd_scanner.behavioral
-- Created:
-- by - aijba273.student (
-- at - 09:26:02 09/04/06
-- using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2004.1b (Build 12)
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
ENTITY kbd_scanner IS
kb_clk : IN std_logic;
kb_data : IN std_logic;
sys_clk : IN std_logic;
db : OUT std_logic_vector (7 DOWNTO 0);
fcs : OUT std_logic;
rlcs : OUT std_logic;
rrcs : OUT std_logic;
rsb : OUT std_logic_vector (6 DOWNTO 0);
sdcs : OUT std_logic
-- Declarations
-- Declarations
type exemplar_string_array is array (natural range <>, natural range
<> of character;
attribute pin_number : string;
attribute array_pin_number : exemplar_string_array;
attribute buffer_sig: string;
attribute buffer_sig of sys_clk : signal is "IBUFG";
attribute pin_number of sys_clk : signal is "P88";
attribute pin_number of fcs : signal is "P41";
attribute pin_number of rlcs : signal is "P79";
attribute pin_number of rrcs : signal is "P80";
attribute pin_number of sdcs : signal is "P132";
attribute pin_number of kb_clk : signal is "P94";
attribute pin_number of kb_data : signal is "P93";
attribute array_pin_number of db : signal is ("P67", "P60", "P62",
"P57", "P49", "P46", "P44",
attribute array_pin_number of rsb : signal is ("P48", "P42", "P27",
"P29", "P28", "P40",
END kbd_scanner ;
ARCHITECTURE behavioral OF kbd_scanner IS
signal temp_kb_clk : std_logic;
signal temp_kb_data : std_logic;
signal detect_falling_kb_clk : std_logic:= '0';
signal scancode_barrel : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);-- container for
the whole 11 bit frame
signal scancode : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
fcs <= '1';
rlcs <= '1';
rrcs <= '1';
sdcs <= '1';
sync_keyboard : process(sys_clk) -- process to synchonize signals
kb_clk and kb_data to sys_clk
if sys_clk'EVENT and sys_clk = '1' then -- rising edge of the sys_clk
temp_kb_clk <= kb_clk;
temp_kb_data <= kb_data;
end if;
end process;
dtct_falling_kb_clk : process(temp_kb_clk) -- process to detect the
falling edge of synchronised kb_clk
if temp_kb_clk'EVENT and temp_kb_clk = '0' then -- falling edge of
the kb_clk detected
detect_falling_kb_clk <= '1';
end if;
end process;
convert_scancode : process(detect_falling_kb_clk)
variable clk_cnt : integer := 0;
if detect_falling_kb_clk = '1' then
scancode_barrel <= kb_data&scancode_barrel(9 downto 1); -- for every
rising edge of the detect falling edge signal,shift the data
clk_cnt := clk_cnt + 1; -- bits in
scancode_barrel to the this 11 times
if clk_cnt = 11 then
db <= scancode_barrel(7 downto 0);
-- db <= scancode;
end if;
end if;
case scancode is
when "00010110" => rsb <= "1101101";
when "00011110" => rsb <= "0100010";
when "00100110" => rsb <= "0100100";
when "00100101" => rsb <= "1000101";
when "00101110" => rsb <= "0010100";
when "00110110" => rsb <= "0010000";
when "00111101" => rsb <= "0101101";
when "00111110" => rsb <= "0000000";
when "01000110" => rsb <= "0000100";
when "01000101" => rsb <= "0001000";
when others => rsb <= "0010010";
end case;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Please provide some insight as to where Im going wrong so that I may
correct them .
Hoping to hear from you soon,
keyboard corresponding to various keystrokes through an FPGA board. The
project is now in an early development stage. I have written the code
which does gets compiled but it seems to have a logical error.
First of all, we need to have all the outputs of the keyboard
synchronized with an on board sys_clk signal and then we need to read
the data line during the falling edge of a particular signal also
provided by the keyboard.
Now what I've done is that I divided the tast into three processes.
1. To get the imputs synchronized to the sys_clk.
2. To detect the falling edge of the input signal kb_clk.
3. To read the scan code and then generate an appropriate output.
My Lab supervisor has provided a document which shows hows this is
supposed to be done. It can be found here:
And i've written the code for it which seem to have a logical error in
it. I have declared a signal called detect_falling_kb_clk which goes to
one for that entire period of sys_clk wherein the falling edge of the
sys_clk has been detected. As the sys_clk is very fast compared to the
kb_clk, it should appear as a pulse when compared to the kb_clk signal.
However in my code it becomes '1' during the first detected edge and
stays that way for the rest of the simulation time.
I wonder if this has made my program malfunction.
Heres the code :
-- VHDL Architecture lab1_lib.kbd_scanner.behavioral
-- Created:
-- by - aijba273.student (
-- at - 09:26:02 09/04/06
-- using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2004.1b (Build 12)
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
ENTITY kbd_scanner IS
kb_clk : IN std_logic;
kb_data : IN std_logic;
sys_clk : IN std_logic;
db : OUT std_logic_vector (7 DOWNTO 0);
fcs : OUT std_logic;
rlcs : OUT std_logic;
rrcs : OUT std_logic;
rsb : OUT std_logic_vector (6 DOWNTO 0);
sdcs : OUT std_logic
-- Declarations
-- Declarations
type exemplar_string_array is array (natural range <>, natural range
<> of character;
attribute pin_number : string;
attribute array_pin_number : exemplar_string_array;
attribute buffer_sig: string;
attribute buffer_sig of sys_clk : signal is "IBUFG";
attribute pin_number of sys_clk : signal is "P88";
attribute pin_number of fcs : signal is "P41";
attribute pin_number of rlcs : signal is "P79";
attribute pin_number of rrcs : signal is "P80";
attribute pin_number of sdcs : signal is "P132";
attribute pin_number of kb_clk : signal is "P94";
attribute pin_number of kb_data : signal is "P93";
attribute array_pin_number of db : signal is ("P67", "P60", "P62",
"P57", "P49", "P46", "P44",
attribute array_pin_number of rsb : signal is ("P48", "P42", "P27",
"P29", "P28", "P40",
END kbd_scanner ;
ARCHITECTURE behavioral OF kbd_scanner IS
signal temp_kb_clk : std_logic;
signal temp_kb_data : std_logic;
signal detect_falling_kb_clk : std_logic:= '0';
signal scancode_barrel : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);-- container for
the whole 11 bit frame
signal scancode : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
fcs <= '1';
rlcs <= '1';
rrcs <= '1';
sdcs <= '1';
sync_keyboard : process(sys_clk) -- process to synchonize signals
kb_clk and kb_data to sys_clk
if sys_clk'EVENT and sys_clk = '1' then -- rising edge of the sys_clk
temp_kb_clk <= kb_clk;
temp_kb_data <= kb_data;
end if;
end process;
dtct_falling_kb_clk : process(temp_kb_clk) -- process to detect the
falling edge of synchronised kb_clk
if temp_kb_clk'EVENT and temp_kb_clk = '0' then -- falling edge of
the kb_clk detected
detect_falling_kb_clk <= '1';
end if;
end process;
convert_scancode : process(detect_falling_kb_clk)
variable clk_cnt : integer := 0;
if detect_falling_kb_clk = '1' then
scancode_barrel <= kb_data&scancode_barrel(9 downto 1); -- for every
rising edge of the detect falling edge signal,shift the data
clk_cnt := clk_cnt + 1; -- bits in
scancode_barrel to the this 11 times
if clk_cnt = 11 then
db <= scancode_barrel(7 downto 0);
-- db <= scancode;
end if;
end if;
case scancode is
when "00010110" => rsb <= "1101101";
when "00011110" => rsb <= "0100010";
when "00100110" => rsb <= "0100100";
when "00100101" => rsb <= "1000101";
when "00101110" => rsb <= "0010100";
when "00110110" => rsb <= "0010000";
when "00111101" => rsb <= "0101101";
when "00111110" => rsb <= "0000000";
when "01000110" => rsb <= "0000100";
when "01000101" => rsb <= "0001000";
when others => rsb <= "0010010";
end case;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Please provide some insight as to where Im going wrong so that I may
correct them .
Hoping to hear from you soon,