Adam Preble
I once got a small lecture of thermocouples at school, but that doesn't
seem to cover much of everything. I'm curious what is all out there for
detecting heat, specifically detecting temperature. I was hoping to
find a device that could determine the temperature of the surface of
food just be "looking" at it. There are IR sensors that can do this
kind of thing, but it'd be nice if the sensor could be rigged to be
plunged inside the food and find the core temperature. Most sensors on
electronic thermometers seem to use conduction, which is sluggish
because the probe was warm up. I'm just trying to think of alternatives.
seem to cover much of everything. I'm curious what is all out there for
detecting heat, specifically detecting temperature. I was hoping to
find a device that could determine the temperature of the surface of
food just be "looking" at it. There are IR sensors that can do this
kind of thing, but it'd be nice if the sensor could be rigged to be
plunged inside the food and find the core temperature. Most sensors on
electronic thermometers seem to use conduction, which is sluggish
because the probe was warm up. I'm just trying to think of alternatives.