I have tried to figure out how to do this but my education lacks. What do people like me do when they need something done they can't do ? Pay someone.
I need an audio transformer, actually a center tapped choke. I can't seem to source it so custom mad, oh well. You get what you pay for.
This has to be high quality for audio, not saturate or any of that and I need a low DCR.
This is the configuration;
Version 4
SHEET 1 880 680
WIRE 256 48 64 48
WIRE 368 48 256 48
WIRE 256 128 160 128
WIRE -32 176 -32 16
WIRE 64 176 64 144
WIRE 64 176 -32 176
WIRE 64 208 64 176
WIRE 368 208 256 208
WIRE 160 272 160 128
WIRE 256 304 256 208
WIRE 256 304 64 304
FLAG 160 272 0
SYMBOL ind 240 32 R0
SYMBOL ind 240 112 R0
SYMBOL pnp 0 48 R0
SYMBOL pnp 0 304 M180
The load consider to be four ohms from end to end. I need to push +30 volts into one end and have -30 volts come out the other end, able to feed low impedance. I need it to do that efficiently at least from 20-20,000.
How much ? Or do you want in on the deal ? They will go for like two grand so just 5% is a Cnote. If you're any kind of an audiophile I could just give you one of these amps. There really is nothing like them on the market.
If you can't get my email with your client software it is JURB6006 at gmail, and of course dot com. You can reply here, just how much do you want to do this ? I need wire size, number of turns and the core specifics. I know the basics about transformers but this is beyond me. Frequency response flat and all that, I have no clue. An RF transformer I could tune with caps, a power transformer, actually I tried using one once and the performance was not good.
I used to do this scrapping tube amps that had 4 and 16 ohm outputs with good results. The 4 is the center tap and the 0 and 16 are the ends. thing is if I go too high in power I am inducing a hell of alot of voltage into the "primary" which isn't really anymore. But it can arc and break down insulation. I would consider them but for that, I would need them in the higher wattage range. Without the "primary" it should save money and weight.
I have it mostly figured out except this. Well and one thing i want to do to the tone controls, at the highest turnover frequency the treble will have +/- 20dB range, if the turnover is lowered by the control to boost more of the spectrum I want to decrease the range so people don't blow their tweeters. I might make it switchable - "treble protection". Other than that over half the math is done and I am all the way back to the tone board, it is designed but I want a differential drive to the output circuit.
Interested in this ? I am not hard to find.
I need an audio transformer, actually a center tapped choke. I can't seem to source it so custom mad, oh well. You get what you pay for.
This has to be high quality for audio, not saturate or any of that and I need a low DCR.
This is the configuration;
Version 4
SHEET 1 880 680
WIRE 256 48 64 48
WIRE 368 48 256 48
WIRE 256 128 160 128
WIRE -32 176 -32 16
WIRE 64 176 64 144
WIRE 64 176 -32 176
WIRE 64 208 64 176
WIRE 368 208 256 208
WIRE 160 272 160 128
WIRE 256 304 256 208
WIRE 256 304 64 304
FLAG 160 272 0
SYMBOL ind 240 32 R0
SYMBOL ind 240 112 R0
SYMBOL pnp 0 48 R0
SYMBOL pnp 0 304 M180
The load consider to be four ohms from end to end. I need to push +30 volts into one end and have -30 volts come out the other end, able to feed low impedance. I need it to do that efficiently at least from 20-20,000.
How much ? Or do you want in on the deal ? They will go for like two grand so just 5% is a Cnote. If you're any kind of an audiophile I could just give you one of these amps. There really is nothing like them on the market.
If you can't get my email with your client software it is JURB6006 at gmail, and of course dot com. You can reply here, just how much do you want to do this ? I need wire size, number of turns and the core specifics. I know the basics about transformers but this is beyond me. Frequency response flat and all that, I have no clue. An RF transformer I could tune with caps, a power transformer, actually I tried using one once and the performance was not good.
I used to do this scrapping tube amps that had 4 and 16 ohm outputs with good results. The 4 is the center tap and the 0 and 16 are the ends. thing is if I go too high in power I am inducing a hell of alot of voltage into the "primary" which isn't really anymore. But it can arc and break down insulation. I would consider them but for that, I would need them in the higher wattage range. Without the "primary" it should save money and weight.
I have it mostly figured out except this. Well and one thing i want to do to the tone controls, at the highest turnover frequency the treble will have +/- 20dB range, if the turnover is lowered by the control to boost more of the spectrum I want to decrease the range so people don't blow their tweeters. I might make it switchable - "treble protection". Other than that over half the math is done and I am all the way back to the tone board, it is designed but I want a differential drive to the output circuit.
Interested in this ? I am not hard to find.