Design and work around



I had a company design a custom terminal board for me. It does numerous
things, but what I'm fighting with is the analog section. Standard 0-20ma
inputs and , Thru a Precision 250 ohm resistor to convert to 0-5 volts for
a ADC Card.
ADC Card is a 16 channels single ended 12 bit analog.

Problem is, that no matter what the source is, the voltage always seems to
be approx. 50mv lower than actual. I have an Omega MA Simulator in order to
test this. If I send 4 ma then the ADC Card reads 0.950 volts and 20 ma =
4.950 volts.
It appears to be pretty linear. Not sure what is causing it, because I have
not seen this on my other boards designed with 250 ohm resistors.

Anyway, since it's linear, and we built abunch of these boards, I need a
correction factor in my scaling in order to make the engineering units
correct. I would like to scale it on the voltage side since we know the
offset is the same on all the channels and not offset the scaled value.

I have the following for each channel:
Factor and Offset which works normally (When I don't need an offset)

Vin * Factor + Offset

I can't add the millivolt difference to Offset because offset is adding to
the scaled value. But I could add it to Vin like this....
CrFactor = 0.50
((Vin + CrFactor) * Factor) + Offset

The above works for Sensors 4-20ma, because we are actually scaling 1 - 5
volts or 0.950 to 4.950 and by adding the correction factor it brings it
to 1.00 to 5.00


Okay, But now, we actually have a sensor that is 0-20ma or 0-5volts, the
above formula and correction factor does not work because Zero volts is
already zero volts (no more voltage drop) so the actual voltage shown is
0 to 4.950

Using the above correction factor, we end up with 0.050 to 5.000 which is
incorrect and 0 to 4.950 is also incorrect.
Would it be 0 - 4.900 ?

Not sure, Anyone have an idea how I can handle this voltage drop for all my
My software "could" look at MinVoltage and MaxVoltage and determine if the
scalling starts at Zero or Negative and use a different formula for each


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On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 09:28:47 -0600, Richard wrote:

I had a company design a custom terminal board for me. It does numerous
things, but what I'm fighting with is the analog section. Standard 0-20ma
inputs and , Thru a Precision 250 ohm resistor to convert to 0-5 volts for
a ADC Card.
ADC Card is a 16 channels single ended 12 bit analog.
The problem is, there is no such thing as "Standard 0-20 ma". The standard
for current-loop control or sensing is 4-20 mA. This way 0 mA can be used
to indicate a fault condition.

Please incorporate this into your spec, and come back if you're still
having problems. Let's eliminate as many variables as possible! :)

Good Luck!
On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 09:28:47 -0600, "Richard" <rwskinner ATawesomenet
Dot net> wrote:

I had a company design a custom terminal board for me. It does numerous
things, but what I'm fighting with is the analog section. Standard 0-20ma
inputs and , Thru a Precision 250 ohm resistor to convert to 0-5 volts for
a ADC Card.
ADC Card is a 16 channels single ended 12 bit analog.

Problem is, that no matter what the source is, the voltage always seems to
be approx. 50mv lower than actual. I have an Omega MA Simulator in order to
test this. If I send 4 ma then the ADC Card reads 0.950 volts and 20 ma =
4.950 volts.
It appears to be pretty linear. Not sure what is causing it, because I have
not seen this on my other boards designed with 250 ohm resistors.

Anyway, since it's linear, and we built abunch of these boards, I need a
correction factor in my scaling in order to make the engineering units
correct. I would like to scale it on the voltage side since we know the
offset is the same on all the channels and not offset the scaled value.

I have the following for each channel:
Factor and Offset which works normally (When I don't need an offset)

Vin * Factor + Offset

I can't add the millivolt difference to Offset because offset is adding to
the scaled value. But I could add it to Vin like this....
CrFactor = 0.50
((Vin + CrFactor) * Factor) + Offset

The above works for Sensors 4-20ma, because we are actually scaling 1 - 5
volts or 0.950 to 4.950 and by adding the correction factor it brings it
to 1.00 to 5.00


Okay, But now, we actually have a sensor that is 0-20ma or 0-5volts, the
above formula and correction factor does not work because Zero volts is
already zero volts (no more voltage drop) so the actual voltage shown is
0 to 4.950

Using the above correction factor, we end up with 0.050 to 5.000 which is
incorrect and 0 to 4.950 is also incorrect.
Would it be 0 - 4.900 ?

Not sure, Anyone have an idea how I can handle this voltage drop for all my
My software "could" look at MinVoltage and MaxVoltage and determine if the
scalling starts at Zero or Negative and use a different formula for each

Maybe you gave a ground loop problem, with the single-ended ADC. Do
you have a spare ADC channel? If so, run it to the common point on the
termination board, digitize (and maybe smooth) that, and subtract it
from all the other ADC channel readings.


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