I'm doing a CLOCK_2 from dividing CLOCK_1.
Then I register the data coming from CLOCK_1 with CLOCK_2
I guess the rising edge of CLOCK_2 and the data coming from CLOCK_1
are exactly aligned so will give me a hold timing error
I used:
create_generated_clock -name CLOCK_2 [get_pins clock_2_reg/Q] - source
CLOCK_1 -divide_by 8
Is it enough for having a good P&R ?
I'm doing a CLOCK_2 from dividing CLOCK_1.
Then I register the data coming from CLOCK_1 with CLOCK_2
I guess the rising edge of CLOCK_2 and the data coming from CLOCK_1
are exactly aligned so will give me a hold timing error
I used:
create_generated_clock -name CLOCK_2 [get_pins clock_2_reg/Q] - source
CLOCK_1 -divide_by 8
Is it enough for having a good P&R ?