Denon DN-A7100 surround preamp


Tim Schwartz

Hello all,

I've got a Denon DN-A7100 which came in with a complaint of the front
panel volume control (rotary encoder) not working, but volume on the
remote OK. I initially traced it don to no +5V on the encoder when, OH
JOY, it fixed itself.

Anyone seen this problem on this model before? Anyone have an
e-mailable schematic?

Tim Schwartz
Bristol Electronics
"Tim Schwartz" <> wrote in message
Hello all,

I've got a Denon DN-A7100 which came in with a complaint of the front
panel volume control (rotary encoder) not working, but volume on the
remote OK. I initially traced it don to no +5V on the encoder when, OH
JOY, it fixed itself.

Anyone seen this problem on this model before? Anyone have an e-mailable

Tim Schwartz
Bristol Electronics

It'll be the volume encoder - I get these sorts of complaints all the time.
You can 'scope the output and see how noisy or nearly non-existent it is.

Part number is 9430205909

I stock your most common types for this reason. It so happens that Onkyo
sells them cheap. Send me a pic and the dimensions and I'll bet I have one.

Mark Z.

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