I've got a Dell D1025HE 17 inch mnitor which was switched on whilst the
mains 230V power supply suffered a bunch of short interruptions/returns.
After several of these short power cuts a wisp of smoke came out the back of
the monitor and that was it.. Now Dead.
The 6.3Amp internal fuse blows immediately on power on. I cant see any
obviously damaged components, and I'm not seeing a short accross anything
obvious. Does anyone have a schematic of the monitor, or even the power
supply section, or any one got any ideas?
It's a nice unit with a Sony tube and I really dont want to give up on it
mains 230V power supply suffered a bunch of short interruptions/returns.
After several of these short power cuts a wisp of smoke came out the back of
the monitor and that was it.. Now Dead.
The 6.3Amp internal fuse blows immediately on power on. I cant see any
obviously damaged components, and I'm not seeing a short accross anything
obvious. Does anyone have a schematic of the monitor, or even the power
supply section, or any one got any ideas?
It's a nice unit with a Sony tube and I really dont want to give up on it