Delay In Motion Detection Security Lights


Bret Cahill

Wouldn't it be better if motion activated security lights had a 10 - 20 second delay?

That way the burglar would think an inhabitant had gotten out of bed and turned them on.

Bret Cahill
"Bret Cahill" <> wrote in message
Wouldn't it be better if motion activated security lights had a 10 - 20
second delay?

That way the burglar would think an inhabitant had gotten out of bed and
turned them on.

Bret Cahill

No!! 99.999% of the time the motion activated lights are used, they are
used by the home owner. Standing for 10 -20 seconds waiting for the light
so you can see your next step would be very be mostly irritating to say the

On Wed, 18 Jun 2014 21:16:39 -0700 (PDT), Bret Cahill
<> wrote:

Wouldn't it be better if motion activated security lights had a 10 - 20 second delay?

That way the burglar would think an inhabitant had gotten out of bed and turned them on.

And for pedestrians out for an evening stroll on the
sidewalk, the lights wouldn't need to come on at all when
they merely passed the driveway!

Best regards,

Bob Masta

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On Wed, 18 Jun 2014 21:16:39 -0700, Bret Cahill <>

Wouldn't it be better if motion activated security lights had a 10 - 20
second delay?

That way the burglar would think an inhabitant had gotten out of bed and
turned them on.

Bret Cahill

For security? sometimes yes, sometimes no. Someimes you WANT to let the
intruder know HE caused the event. and now is being observed, so he should
get the heck out of there.
On Thu, 19 Jun 2014 14:16:39 +1000, Bret Cahill <>

Wouldn't it be better if motion activated security lights had a 10 - 20
second delay?

That way the burglar would think an inhabitant had gotten out of bed and
turned them on.

Bret Cahill

The intruder doesn't *know* when he caused the trigger event - so he can't
be sure if it was the owner or himself who turned on the light in any case.
Wouldn't it be better if motion activated security lights had a 10 - 20

second delay?

That way the burglar would think an inhabitant had gotten out of bed and

turned them on.

The intruder doesn't *know* when he caused the trigger event - so he can't

be sure if it was the owner or himself who turned on the light in any case.

Exactly! Screw with his mind. (I've been studying AGW denier FUD.)

Maybe make the timing somewhat random for repeat "customers." (We got a lot of those here in The Valley of Meth.)

Also wire or otherwise connect the motion detectors in the front of the house to the lights on the left or right _rear_ corners and vice versa. The light/shadows can still be seen from the front / back.

Bret Cahill
Wouldn't it be better if motion activated security lights had a 10 - 20

second delay?

That way the burglar would think an inhabitant had gotten out of bed and

turned them on.

Bret Cahill

No!! 99.999% of the time the motion activated lights are used, they are

used by the home owner.

You live in a gated community, not in a "stressed" neighborhood.

When was the last time a meth lab blew up your windows?

Standing for 10 -20 seconds waiting for the light

so you can see your next step would be very be mostly irritating to say the


Often burglars need the security lighting to get around.

Not only should the lights cut on randomly, they should cut off randomly as well.

Bret Cahill

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