Defective Philips CDM-M2

  • Thread starter Charles Rubenstein
  • Start date

Charles Rubenstein

I am trying to repair a Philips CDM-M2 CD reader, which is part of a Philips
Carin 522 navigation computer. It keeps spitting the CD's out without
reading them. The spindle motor never turns. I tried cleaning the lens, but
no help. Does anyone have a service manual for this unit? I can't find any
source for parts, the optical pickup unit has a part number of M40K15EC9,
but I can't find a reference to that either. The computer model is 22SY587.

Any help would be appreciated.

There is no support to service these drives. This includes that there is no
distribution of service information, and no distribution of spare parts. You
must order a new drive from Philips.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

"Charles Rubenstein" <> wrote in message
I am trying to repair a Philips CDM-M2 CD reader, which is part of a Philips
Carin 522 navigation computer. It keeps spitting the CD's out without
reading them. The spindle motor never turns. I tried cleaning the lens, but
no help. Does anyone have a service manual for this unit? I can't find any
source for parts, the optical pickup unit has a part number of M40K15EC9,
but I can't find a reference to that either. The computer model is 22SY587.

Any help would be appreciated.

In article <409d57b9$0$73103$>, Charles Rubenstein wrote:
I am trying to repair a Philips CDM-M2 CD reader, which is part of a Philips
Carin 522 navigation computer. It keeps spitting the CD's out without
reading them. The spindle motor never turns. I tried cleaning the lens, but
no help. Does anyone have a service manual for this unit? I can't find any
source for parts, the optical pickup unit has a part number of M40K15EC9,
but I can't find a reference to that either. The computer model is 22SY587.

Any help would be appreciated.
Just saw your posting (I've been a bit busy to keep up).
Last year I fixed the CDROM drive from a BWM nav system for a colleague.
It was a Philips drive (not sure of the model). Might be the same one.

On initial inspection it was clear that a power resistor had over-heated
on the PCB attached to the CD mechanism, the PCB was somewhat charred
underneath. However the resistor was still good.

After some tracing I found the resistor was in series with the L2726
motor driver chip (its power pin) which drives the spindle motor.
The chip didn't seem shorted so I looked at the spindle motor. Taking the
motor out and applying 2V, it didn't spin by itself, just took about 100mA.
Way more than it ought to. Spun freely by hand, so an electrical problem.
Turning the volts up to 6, it drew a lot more current and turned sluggishly.
Definitely a motor problem. Spraying contact cleaner into it didn't
help (made it worse, actually).

These motors aren't made to be dismantled, however I'm never one to give
up in situations like this so I filed off the metal 'tabs' that keep the
circular disk on the back of the motor and levered it off. The commutator
was badly scored with lots of stuff between the segments. I cleaned this
out and bent the brushes back into shape (I bent them dismantling it).
Put it back together (a pain to do, had to make a jig to hold the brushes
apart while doing so) and the motor then ran happily at good speed with
2V across it, drawing 20mA'ish IIRC.

I put the whole thing back together, and spent some time trying to get
it to do something (anything!) without the rest of the system connected
but to no avail. Gave it back to its owner to try, and he came back the
next day to say it worked perfectly!

So, in the absence of anything else to go on, I'd suggest you check out
the spindle motor...


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