Hello friends,
I am new to working with Xilinx tools. I have a verilog design and its
pre-synthesis similation is tested. Now to verify the design, I have
synthesized it using Xilinx ISE tool (using XST) to get .ngd file.
a verilog netlist is generated from .ngd using ngd2ver command. I
think the generated netlist uses the simprims library. i simulated
(using ModelSim) the netlist using the same testbench as i used
vsim -L simprims_ver simprims_ver.glbl mytopdesign
But one of the signal is different. an output signal 'a_recieved'
should be high for 1 clock cycle and go down, but it is high for 2
clock cycles.
i didn't know any way to debug as the names of internal wires
generated are completely different.
could anyone please tell if i am doing correctly and help me in
I am new to working with Xilinx tools. I have a verilog design and its
pre-synthesis similation is tested. Now to verify the design, I have
synthesized it using Xilinx ISE tool (using XST) to get .ngd file.
a verilog netlist is generated from .ngd using ngd2ver command. I
think the generated netlist uses the simprims library. i simulated
(using ModelSim) the netlist using the same testbench as i used
vsim -L simprims_ver simprims_ver.glbl mytopdesign
But one of the signal is different. an output signal 'a_recieved'
should be high for 1 clock cycle and go down, but it is high for 2
clock cycles.
i didn't know any way to debug as the names of internal wires
generated are completely different.
could anyone please tell if i am doing correctly and help me in