5840040 - Encephalolexianzlizer. Filed December 1992, granted November
1998. Funded by the Dept. of Energy for Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory. States that by monitoring the brainwaves they can tell if
someone is moving or if thinking of moving, or if someone not moving
or nor thinking of moving. Says uses the frequency power spectrum of
brainwaves which could be detected remotely with the psychotronic
weaponry also. If this were used as a part of the psychotronic
attacks, it would/could cause fear, stress and/or the illusion of
psychic abilities (which do not exist), time travel (impossible), etc.
Would/could also add to the paranoia scenario as it would make someone
feel as if they were being watched.
6547746 - Method and apparatus for determining thresholds. Filed
August 2001, granted April 2003. Pretty much straight forward. It goes
into measuring EEG and what can be derived from it for responses to
external stimuli like non-visible light, electromagnetic, magnetic,
electrical, etc. Gives brief descriptions on a number of other
patents. Uses recurrence quantitization analysis. Basically ties
anyone remote neural monitoring anyone in with or knowing about and
covering up for any other electromagnetic, magnetic or subliminal
attacks done on that person.
4289121 - Method for controlling functional state of central nervous
system and device for effecting same. Filed September 1979, granted
September 1981. Another entrainment device using audible and/or visual
methods. Granted to a person in Soviet Union. Shows Soviets researched
control through entrainment and 'biorythms' in late 1970s also.
6011991 - Communication system and method including brainwave analysis
and/or brain activity. Filed December 1998, granted January 2000.
Brain to computer link, or brain to computer to brain link when a part
of the psychotronic weaponry. States that literally thousands of
people's brainwaves can be monitored and stored in same place. Again
take into account speed and available memory of computer being used to
do so. In other words, by cross referencing different people's
brainwaves the create the illusion of mind reading.
4736751 - Brainwave source network scanning system and method. Filed
December 1986, granted April 1988. Funded by Air Force. Way to monitor
brain evoked potentials and evoked magnetic fields. Could easily be
used with or as a part of the remote neural monitoring part of the
psychotronic weaponry.
4819648 - Non-invasive electromagnetic technique for monitoring
time-trends of physiological changes at a particular location in the
brain. Filed September 1987 granted April 1989. Funded by the Navy.
Uses electromagnetic fields to measure electrical resistivity changes
in brain matter and fluid.
3892227 - System for stimulation and recording of neurophysiologic
data. Filed March 1973, granted July 1975. First paragraph under
background of the invention, first sentence states that using EEGs and
stimuli correlated together to collect evoked potential data was done
in the 1950s. The patent is for remote gathering of EEG data in
response to stimuli and sending said data to a central facility for
processing by a computer. It uses a lot of the same procedures listed
in later patents for gathering evoked potential data. Leave out the
magnetic tape and put in electromagnetic transmissions and add the
remote neural monitoring and it is an early brain to computer to brain
device using specific evoked potentials and other brainwave data
(artifacts). It also suggests that someone could be attacked locally
and the data transmitted back to a central facility until enough
information was gathered to attack them from the central facility. Or
even that the attacks could be done locally with a central facility
controlling them (this would require a slight additional time frame
for the receiving and retransmitting of the brainwave data). This
patent also lists a paper on a study done in Japan that was written in
1968 about this type of experiment (the experiment as mentioned in the
patent). It also says that these type of experiments were performed on
infants. And also that a lot of this experimentation was done in
so-called Third World countries and that the findings of the
experiment was made available to interested organizations.
3886314 - No hands voice instruction for EEG telemetering system.
Filed September 1973, granted May 1975. States that the EEG data from
8 (or as many as used) different electrodes could be modulated
separately onto different carrier waves and sent through a phone line
to be recombined (or even left as is) in a computer for analysis.
Another form of remote neural monitoring. Also refers to inverting and
non-inverting signals nullifying each other.
3117571 - Production of reversible changes in living tissue by
ultrasound. Filed February 1957, granted January 1964. States that to
use ultrasound, the bone in the way needs to be removed. This patent
would not work for the psychotronic effects, unless the ultrasound was
modulated in some way and used on someone before their skull had
hardened or become fully formed (grew together). Or during a process
where the skull had already been removed. Does say that irreversible
changes can be accomplished with the devices and methods as listed in
this patent. Mentions that ultrasound can not be used when a space
containing gas (air or other) is in its path in the way mentioned in
the patent. Also says that it can be used to suppress electrical
activity in the brain when the above conditions are met.
Couple of definitions.
Ultrasound - Is usually used in reference to sound waves above the
threshold of human hearing. Technically it can be used to describe
anything traveling faster than the speed of sound waves, but usually
is the first.
Hypersonic and Supersonic - Would be the opposite usage, usually in
reference to anything faster than the speed of sound waves but can be
used to mean above the threshold of human hearing.
The following is about patents all filed by the same person. Titles
omitted, but are in patents list.
5995954 - Funded by DARPA. Filed March 1992, granted November 1999.
This one is a computer program for a neural network memory. The rest,
5782874, 5800481, 5935054, 6017302, 6091994, 6238333, and 6506148 all
deal with various forms of nervous system manipulation. Basically they
deal with subliminal brainwave entrainment. The patents go into
pulsative, thermal, electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, and
acoustical ways of doing this. The author refers to creating 'sensory
resonances' by subliminally manipulating the various presentation
methods described above and using them on other parts of the body away
from the brain. This sends impulses to the brain and entrains it to
the frequencies stated in the patents. The patents read like most
other entrainment devices or methods. In the patents there are no
mentions of any EEGs or other monitoring devices being used. Some of
the patents state that they may have uses in the 'non-lethal' weapons
area. All of the patents tend to stick to the same two frequencies for
their effects (at ˝ Hz a person would be almost literally brain dead
and at 2.4 Hz a person would be little more than comatose). Only one
of them mentions any malicious uses, 6506148. The ones that the MPRII
guidelines would apply to, state that they can be used for
manipulation of someone's nervous system and still comply with those
guidelines. A couple of the patents mention the elapsed time before
the mentioned effects occur, this happens with all entrainment
devices. The patents are an example of causing some physiological
effects through the subliminal entrainment. The frequencies as stated
above should be taken into account when reading the list of effects
caused by the various forms of the subliminal entrainment. Most of the
effects sound like things that happen when someone is close to death.
6577132 - Passive system for the detection and indication of
non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations and static electricity. Filed
November 2001, granted June 2003. May be effective for blocking
emissions in the area that would interfere with detecting the
psychotronic attacks. Should be adaptable for detection of the entire
range of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations. Goes into effects of
electromagnetic radiation on humans. Does say it needs to be used in
conjunction with a radiation measuring device. Mentions use with a
computer to display readings.
6377833 - System and method for computer input of dynamic mental
information. Filed September 1999, granted April 2002. This would be a
very effective aid in the detection of the psychotronic attacks.
Unfortunately, it would also need to be used in conjunction with a
system that detects the broadcasts and correlates them what it does,
otherwise it would probably be used to misdiagnose someone under
attack. This patent also describes what is (or could be) done with the
data collected from remote neural monitoring pretty well. The patent
specifically states that other forms of brain-scanning devices may be
used instead of MRI. The physiological responses mentioned in the
patent would be the electrical impulses in the brain that correspond
directly to the evoked potentials in an EEG reading. The patent also
mentions that it can be used for more than one area of the brain at a
time or all at once. The 3d to 2d (d = dimensional) would mean they
could view it like a television screen. However this could also be
turned right back into 3d for display in a virtual reality type of
system or can even use both together as described in other patents on
the list.
5512823 - Electromagnetic field detector for detecting electromagnetic
field strength in an extremely low frequency band and a very low
frequency band. Filed December 1993, granted April 1996. Is a device
for determining electromagnetic field strength within certain
frequency bands, not for determining exact frequency. Might work as
part of an overall system to detect the psychotronic attacks. If
nothing else it would help to point out things that would interfere
with detection of the psychotronic attacks. Narrowing the bands as
described or adding additional bands to the ones listed, say .001 Hz
to 12 Hz for example, and a dial to dial in the specific frequencies
and lowering the flux density levels measured to say femtoteslas or
adding this as a separate option may aid in the detection of
psychotronic attacks. Use of a computer to scan the frequencies and
store the readings in memory or display and/or print out with an
appropriate filtering device to remove the fields generated by the
computer and other electronic devices, which could already be measured
with the device, would also help. Use of a second computer measuring
and correlating the above with an EEG reading of the person under
attack would be of use also. The patent basically describes a smoke
detector or smaller sized device for detecting said electromagnetic
field strength, which should in my opinion be just as mandatory
(voluntarily or not) in multiple family dwellings as a smoke detector
for safety concerns as also mentioned in the patent.
4591788 - Magnetic field sensing device. Filed September 1982, granted
May 1986. Says it is capable of detecting magnetic fields in the .001
Hz to 6 Hz frequency range. Basically just detects that the magnetic
field is there and sounds like something from a Junior High or High
School general science class demonstration.
4752730 - Radiation monitor diode detector with constant efficiency
for both CW and pulsed signals. Filed October 1985, granted June 1988.
Funded by Dept. of Navy. A device and/or method to make radio
frequency detection apparatuses more reliable for detection of pulsed
and/or variable continuous electromagnetic waves. Coupled with the
modified version (or version as stated) in patent 5512823 should be
able to detect field strength of said pulsed or variable continuous
waves and the frequency of them.
5627521 - Personal microwave and radio frequency detector. Filed March
1994, granted May 1997. Assigned to U.S.A. represented by Sec. of
Navy. Hearing aid modified to detect microwave and radio frequencies.
States that the frequency range can be adjusted from what is used as
an example in the patent. Also states that it uses a pre-determined
threshold for intensity, but does not mention what level, and says
that that would also be adjustable. Refers to "input modulated
signals". Does say that it detects the pulsed repetition rate of
microwave signals. Also says it can detect radar signals at great
distances. Modified with or used with some of the other patents, might
be effective for detecting psychotronic attacks.
5394164 - Human equivalent antenna for electromagnetic fields. Filed
July 1992, granted February 1995. Would depend on how sensitive it
could be made and extent of frequency range it could be modified to
detect as to whether or not it would be useful in detecting
psychotronic attacks. Also whether or not it could be hooked up to a
computer for comparisons of readings.
5204613 - RF power sensor having improved linearity over greater
dynamic range. Filed May 1991, granted April 1993. Again, coupled with
a computer that could scan the frequencies and store the readings in
memory and modified to detect the pulsed or variable continuous waves
might be useful in detection of the psychotronic attacks. The patent
says that the device can be built with a variety of different parts.
Also says that it can be modified with more detector diodes in series
which should increase both sensitivity and accuracy.
4198596 - Device for direct and continuous receiving and measuring of
electrical, magnetic, and acoustic signals. Filed October 1977,
granted April 1980. Assigned to Societe Nationale Elf Aquitaine
(production) in France. Device for scanning low frequencies (says
between 10 Hz and 250 KHz) of electromagnetic waves either natural or
artificial. Says a "direct and continuous receiving and measuring
device". Does show that scanning for said low frequencies was done in
the 1970s.
6411104 - Apparatus and method for detecting electromagnetic wave
source, and method for analyzing the same. Filed April 2000, granted
June 2002. Device for detecting an electromagnetic wave, measuring its
intensity and using a triangulation method for determining where said
electromagnetic wave is emanating from. Larger scale for psychotronic
attacks maybe. As is would be useful for detecting attacks on
electronic equipment in home or office by electromagnetic weaponry.
5666105 - Personal radiation hazard meter. Filed March 1996, granted
September 1997. Detects electromagnetic radiation intensity levels.
Does detect .01 milliwatts per centimeter squared level. May be useful
as part of detection system.
5458142 - Device for monitoring a magnetic field emanating from an
organism. Filed March 1993, granted October 1995. References the
3951134 patent for remote monitoring. Device that may aid in detecting
the so-called retransmission in that patent. Goes into 'aura' and
'therapeutic touch' type BS, but the sensing device and filtering
means may be useful in detecting the psychotronic attacks. The patent
also mentions using electromagnetic radiation to effect (attack)
someone. Again notice the absence of EEG or other monitoring
equipment. If used with said EEG and appropriate computer programs
(mentioned in other patents) could be used as a psychotronic weapon
with evoked potentials.
5256968 - Portable dual band electromagnetic field radiation
measurement apparatus. Filed April 1991, granted October 1993. Device
measures intensity levels of all frequencies contained in a complex
electromagnetic field including pulsed fields. States that it measures
Elf 1 - 1000 Hz and Vlf 10 - 500 KHz ranges. Adapted for the decimal
place frequency measurements (.001, 6.26, etc) might aid in isolation
of psychotronic frequencies.
The next part contains a way to prove that electromagnetic broadcasts
can be modulated to represent evoked potential patterns that occur in
the human brain. It will also show that said evoked potentials can be
manipulated before the broadcasts as is done in the attacks. This can
be accomplished without actually attacking someone.
I will start with a list of equipment that will be needed.
3 computers with visual displays (monitors) or speakers depending on
stimulus used. These computers only need to be able to run basic
evoked potential correlation software and display EEG readings. 1 of
them needs to be able to work in conjunction with broadcasting
equipment to transmit the broadcasts, the other two will need to be
able to work with receiving equipment to pick-up the transmissions.
1 EEG machine with computer compatibility. NOTE, an MRI machine may be
substituted for the EEG machine, however they do require the
irradiation of the person being monitored.
1 broadcasting apparatus that works in conjunction with a computer to
modulate the evoked potential data onto the electromagnetic radiation
transmissions. For purposes of this demonstration, the range of the
transmissions need only be about 20 to 50 feet.
2 receiving apparatuses that work in conjunction with a computer to
decipher the above mentioned transmissions.
1 or more individuals to participate in the demonstration. This would
probably work better if the participants were not already being
attacked by the psychotronic weaponry.
Correlation software for at least two of the computers or as mentioned
later possibly for all three. This software either needs to include a
pre-programmed stimulus package or be adaptable to work with one.
After setting up the equipment mentioned, place the electrodes from
the EEG machine up to one of the participants. Using the computer that
will be at the transmission end, begin the pre-programmed stimulus
package and the correlation process. The stimulus package may need to
be repeated for the correlation process. For this demonstration, only
one type of stimulus (auditory, visual, tactile, etc) needs to be
used. The stimulus does however need to correspond to the area of the
brain being monitored by the EEG machine. Once the correlation process
is completed, unhook the participant from the EEG machine. During the
correlation process, a secondary display can be set up to show what is
being correlated and/or how the process works. The data recorded
should be saved to a disc and then loaded into the computer with the
correlation program or one of the computers if both have the software.
At this point, the computer used for correlation in conjunction with
the transmission equipment would begin modulating the electromagnetic
transmission with the evoked potential patterns and begin broadcasting
to the other computers and their receiving equipment. The receiving
computer that has the specific evoked potential data loaded from the
previously mentioned disc would then be able to display the received
signals and what they correspond to in the pre-programmed stimulus
package. The other receiving computer with or without the correlation
software will not be able to display the corresponding stimulus from
the pre-programmed package to the electromagnetic transmissions that
were modulated with the evoked potential patterns without the data
from the previously mentioned disc being loaded into it. The person
running the demonstration could then also change the order that the
electromagnetic transmissions are modulated in the specific evoked
potential patterns from what corresponded to the stimulus package.
This in turn would show up on the receiving computer that was loaded
with the data from the disc. Said demonstrator could then also
manipulate the evoked potential data in the first computer to change
the appearance from the stimulus package. Along the lines of using the
data obtained to transmit a different set of evoked potentials, which
for example purposes would make a black square from the stimulus
package into a green square and a green circle from the stimulus
package into a black circle. Which in turn, would be displayed on the
receiving computer with the data from the disc loaded into it. The
psychotronic weaponry is capable of doing a lot more than this
unfortunately. The third computer mentioned can be made to display the
signals that it receives, much like an EEG display, or could be used
just to show that the signals would be 'noise' to it. By using the
third computer with the correlation software, one could then load the
specific evoked potential data from two separate individuals into the
separate receiving computers. The first computer could then be used to
transmit the different patterns in pulses which would only be
deciphered by the computer with the corresponding data from the discs.
For this demonstration, I would suggest using frequencies that would
not affect the participants unless giving them full warning and having
their consent. All data obtained should be promptly destroyed after
the demonstration.
The rest of this e-mail/post will contain some other methods to
possibly try.
Using an EEG machine hooked up to broadcasting equipment and one
hooked up to receiving equipment. Just to show that the
electromagnetic transmissions can be modulated with evoked potential
patterns. This method could also be used with varying transmission
strength to see if able to pick-up without the receiving equipment or
just by the electrode sensors.
Using an EEG machine with broadcasting equipment to see if the
modulations could be picked up on a MRI machine. Broadcasting the
modulated electromagnetic waves into the MRI to see if it picks them
up. Again using various power levels for the transmissions.
In summary, I hope this helps to clarify that the technology does
indeed exist to carry out the psychotronic attacks. I also hope that
this clears up, or at least points out, a lot of the misinformation
about what can and can not be done with the technology.
Death to psychotronic weaponry. Religion is fraud. James M. Vierling
1998. Funded by the Dept. of Energy for Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory. States that by monitoring the brainwaves they can tell if
someone is moving or if thinking of moving, or if someone not moving
or nor thinking of moving. Says uses the frequency power spectrum of
brainwaves which could be detected remotely with the psychotronic
weaponry also. If this were used as a part of the psychotronic
attacks, it would/could cause fear, stress and/or the illusion of
psychic abilities (which do not exist), time travel (impossible), etc.
Would/could also add to the paranoia scenario as it would make someone
feel as if they were being watched.
6547746 - Method and apparatus for determining thresholds. Filed
August 2001, granted April 2003. Pretty much straight forward. It goes
into measuring EEG and what can be derived from it for responses to
external stimuli like non-visible light, electromagnetic, magnetic,
electrical, etc. Gives brief descriptions on a number of other
patents. Uses recurrence quantitization analysis. Basically ties
anyone remote neural monitoring anyone in with or knowing about and
covering up for any other electromagnetic, magnetic or subliminal
attacks done on that person.
4289121 - Method for controlling functional state of central nervous
system and device for effecting same. Filed September 1979, granted
September 1981. Another entrainment device using audible and/or visual
methods. Granted to a person in Soviet Union. Shows Soviets researched
control through entrainment and 'biorythms' in late 1970s also.
6011991 - Communication system and method including brainwave analysis
and/or brain activity. Filed December 1998, granted January 2000.
Brain to computer link, or brain to computer to brain link when a part
of the psychotronic weaponry. States that literally thousands of
people's brainwaves can be monitored and stored in same place. Again
take into account speed and available memory of computer being used to
do so. In other words, by cross referencing different people's
brainwaves the create the illusion of mind reading.
4736751 - Brainwave source network scanning system and method. Filed
December 1986, granted April 1988. Funded by Air Force. Way to monitor
brain evoked potentials and evoked magnetic fields. Could easily be
used with or as a part of the remote neural monitoring part of the
psychotronic weaponry.
4819648 - Non-invasive electromagnetic technique for monitoring
time-trends of physiological changes at a particular location in the
brain. Filed September 1987 granted April 1989. Funded by the Navy.
Uses electromagnetic fields to measure electrical resistivity changes
in brain matter and fluid.
3892227 - System for stimulation and recording of neurophysiologic
data. Filed March 1973, granted July 1975. First paragraph under
background of the invention, first sentence states that using EEGs and
stimuli correlated together to collect evoked potential data was done
in the 1950s. The patent is for remote gathering of EEG data in
response to stimuli and sending said data to a central facility for
processing by a computer. It uses a lot of the same procedures listed
in later patents for gathering evoked potential data. Leave out the
magnetic tape and put in electromagnetic transmissions and add the
remote neural monitoring and it is an early brain to computer to brain
device using specific evoked potentials and other brainwave data
(artifacts). It also suggests that someone could be attacked locally
and the data transmitted back to a central facility until enough
information was gathered to attack them from the central facility. Or
even that the attacks could be done locally with a central facility
controlling them (this would require a slight additional time frame
for the receiving and retransmitting of the brainwave data). This
patent also lists a paper on a study done in Japan that was written in
1968 about this type of experiment (the experiment as mentioned in the
patent). It also says that these type of experiments were performed on
infants. And also that a lot of this experimentation was done in
so-called Third World countries and that the findings of the
experiment was made available to interested organizations.
3886314 - No hands voice instruction for EEG telemetering system.
Filed September 1973, granted May 1975. States that the EEG data from
8 (or as many as used) different electrodes could be modulated
separately onto different carrier waves and sent through a phone line
to be recombined (or even left as is) in a computer for analysis.
Another form of remote neural monitoring. Also refers to inverting and
non-inverting signals nullifying each other.
3117571 - Production of reversible changes in living tissue by
ultrasound. Filed February 1957, granted January 1964. States that to
use ultrasound, the bone in the way needs to be removed. This patent
would not work for the psychotronic effects, unless the ultrasound was
modulated in some way and used on someone before their skull had
hardened or become fully formed (grew together). Or during a process
where the skull had already been removed. Does say that irreversible
changes can be accomplished with the devices and methods as listed in
this patent. Mentions that ultrasound can not be used when a space
containing gas (air or other) is in its path in the way mentioned in
the patent. Also says that it can be used to suppress electrical
activity in the brain when the above conditions are met.
Couple of definitions.
Ultrasound - Is usually used in reference to sound waves above the
threshold of human hearing. Technically it can be used to describe
anything traveling faster than the speed of sound waves, but usually
is the first.
Hypersonic and Supersonic - Would be the opposite usage, usually in
reference to anything faster than the speed of sound waves but can be
used to mean above the threshold of human hearing.
The following is about patents all filed by the same person. Titles
omitted, but are in patents list.
5995954 - Funded by DARPA. Filed March 1992, granted November 1999.
This one is a computer program for a neural network memory. The rest,
5782874, 5800481, 5935054, 6017302, 6091994, 6238333, and 6506148 all
deal with various forms of nervous system manipulation. Basically they
deal with subliminal brainwave entrainment. The patents go into
pulsative, thermal, electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, and
acoustical ways of doing this. The author refers to creating 'sensory
resonances' by subliminally manipulating the various presentation
methods described above and using them on other parts of the body away
from the brain. This sends impulses to the brain and entrains it to
the frequencies stated in the patents. The patents read like most
other entrainment devices or methods. In the patents there are no
mentions of any EEGs or other monitoring devices being used. Some of
the patents state that they may have uses in the 'non-lethal' weapons
area. All of the patents tend to stick to the same two frequencies for
their effects (at ˝ Hz a person would be almost literally brain dead
and at 2.4 Hz a person would be little more than comatose). Only one
of them mentions any malicious uses, 6506148. The ones that the MPRII
guidelines would apply to, state that they can be used for
manipulation of someone's nervous system and still comply with those
guidelines. A couple of the patents mention the elapsed time before
the mentioned effects occur, this happens with all entrainment
devices. The patents are an example of causing some physiological
effects through the subliminal entrainment. The frequencies as stated
above should be taken into account when reading the list of effects
caused by the various forms of the subliminal entrainment. Most of the
effects sound like things that happen when someone is close to death.
6577132 - Passive system for the detection and indication of
non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations and static electricity. Filed
November 2001, granted June 2003. May be effective for blocking
emissions in the area that would interfere with detecting the
psychotronic attacks. Should be adaptable for detection of the entire
range of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations. Goes into effects of
electromagnetic radiation on humans. Does say it needs to be used in
conjunction with a radiation measuring device. Mentions use with a
computer to display readings.
6377833 - System and method for computer input of dynamic mental
information. Filed September 1999, granted April 2002. This would be a
very effective aid in the detection of the psychotronic attacks.
Unfortunately, it would also need to be used in conjunction with a
system that detects the broadcasts and correlates them what it does,
otherwise it would probably be used to misdiagnose someone under
attack. This patent also describes what is (or could be) done with the
data collected from remote neural monitoring pretty well. The patent
specifically states that other forms of brain-scanning devices may be
used instead of MRI. The physiological responses mentioned in the
patent would be the electrical impulses in the brain that correspond
directly to the evoked potentials in an EEG reading. The patent also
mentions that it can be used for more than one area of the brain at a
time or all at once. The 3d to 2d (d = dimensional) would mean they
could view it like a television screen. However this could also be
turned right back into 3d for display in a virtual reality type of
system or can even use both together as described in other patents on
the list.
5512823 - Electromagnetic field detector for detecting electromagnetic
field strength in an extremely low frequency band and a very low
frequency band. Filed December 1993, granted April 1996. Is a device
for determining electromagnetic field strength within certain
frequency bands, not for determining exact frequency. Might work as
part of an overall system to detect the psychotronic attacks. If
nothing else it would help to point out things that would interfere
with detection of the psychotronic attacks. Narrowing the bands as
described or adding additional bands to the ones listed, say .001 Hz
to 12 Hz for example, and a dial to dial in the specific frequencies
and lowering the flux density levels measured to say femtoteslas or
adding this as a separate option may aid in the detection of
psychotronic attacks. Use of a computer to scan the frequencies and
store the readings in memory or display and/or print out with an
appropriate filtering device to remove the fields generated by the
computer and other electronic devices, which could already be measured
with the device, would also help. Use of a second computer measuring
and correlating the above with an EEG reading of the person under
attack would be of use also. The patent basically describes a smoke
detector or smaller sized device for detecting said electromagnetic
field strength, which should in my opinion be just as mandatory
(voluntarily or not) in multiple family dwellings as a smoke detector
for safety concerns as also mentioned in the patent.
4591788 - Magnetic field sensing device. Filed September 1982, granted
May 1986. Says it is capable of detecting magnetic fields in the .001
Hz to 6 Hz frequency range. Basically just detects that the magnetic
field is there and sounds like something from a Junior High or High
School general science class demonstration.
4752730 - Radiation monitor diode detector with constant efficiency
for both CW and pulsed signals. Filed October 1985, granted June 1988.
Funded by Dept. of Navy. A device and/or method to make radio
frequency detection apparatuses more reliable for detection of pulsed
and/or variable continuous electromagnetic waves. Coupled with the
modified version (or version as stated) in patent 5512823 should be
able to detect field strength of said pulsed or variable continuous
waves and the frequency of them.
5627521 - Personal microwave and radio frequency detector. Filed March
1994, granted May 1997. Assigned to U.S.A. represented by Sec. of
Navy. Hearing aid modified to detect microwave and radio frequencies.
States that the frequency range can be adjusted from what is used as
an example in the patent. Also states that it uses a pre-determined
threshold for intensity, but does not mention what level, and says
that that would also be adjustable. Refers to "input modulated
signals". Does say that it detects the pulsed repetition rate of
microwave signals. Also says it can detect radar signals at great
distances. Modified with or used with some of the other patents, might
be effective for detecting psychotronic attacks.
5394164 - Human equivalent antenna for electromagnetic fields. Filed
July 1992, granted February 1995. Would depend on how sensitive it
could be made and extent of frequency range it could be modified to
detect as to whether or not it would be useful in detecting
psychotronic attacks. Also whether or not it could be hooked up to a
computer for comparisons of readings.
5204613 - RF power sensor having improved linearity over greater
dynamic range. Filed May 1991, granted April 1993. Again, coupled with
a computer that could scan the frequencies and store the readings in
memory and modified to detect the pulsed or variable continuous waves
might be useful in detection of the psychotronic attacks. The patent
says that the device can be built with a variety of different parts.
Also says that it can be modified with more detector diodes in series
which should increase both sensitivity and accuracy.
4198596 - Device for direct and continuous receiving and measuring of
electrical, magnetic, and acoustic signals. Filed October 1977,
granted April 1980. Assigned to Societe Nationale Elf Aquitaine
(production) in France. Device for scanning low frequencies (says
between 10 Hz and 250 KHz) of electromagnetic waves either natural or
artificial. Says a "direct and continuous receiving and measuring
device". Does show that scanning for said low frequencies was done in
the 1970s.
6411104 - Apparatus and method for detecting electromagnetic wave
source, and method for analyzing the same. Filed April 2000, granted
June 2002. Device for detecting an electromagnetic wave, measuring its
intensity and using a triangulation method for determining where said
electromagnetic wave is emanating from. Larger scale for psychotronic
attacks maybe. As is would be useful for detecting attacks on
electronic equipment in home or office by electromagnetic weaponry.
5666105 - Personal radiation hazard meter. Filed March 1996, granted
September 1997. Detects electromagnetic radiation intensity levels.
Does detect .01 milliwatts per centimeter squared level. May be useful
as part of detection system.
5458142 - Device for monitoring a magnetic field emanating from an
organism. Filed March 1993, granted October 1995. References the
3951134 patent for remote monitoring. Device that may aid in detecting
the so-called retransmission in that patent. Goes into 'aura' and
'therapeutic touch' type BS, but the sensing device and filtering
means may be useful in detecting the psychotronic attacks. The patent
also mentions using electromagnetic radiation to effect (attack)
someone. Again notice the absence of EEG or other monitoring
equipment. If used with said EEG and appropriate computer programs
(mentioned in other patents) could be used as a psychotronic weapon
with evoked potentials.
5256968 - Portable dual band electromagnetic field radiation
measurement apparatus. Filed April 1991, granted October 1993. Device
measures intensity levels of all frequencies contained in a complex
electromagnetic field including pulsed fields. States that it measures
Elf 1 - 1000 Hz and Vlf 10 - 500 KHz ranges. Adapted for the decimal
place frequency measurements (.001, 6.26, etc) might aid in isolation
of psychotronic frequencies.
The next part contains a way to prove that electromagnetic broadcasts
can be modulated to represent evoked potential patterns that occur in
the human brain. It will also show that said evoked potentials can be
manipulated before the broadcasts as is done in the attacks. This can
be accomplished without actually attacking someone.
I will start with a list of equipment that will be needed.
3 computers with visual displays (monitors) or speakers depending on
stimulus used. These computers only need to be able to run basic
evoked potential correlation software and display EEG readings. 1 of
them needs to be able to work in conjunction with broadcasting
equipment to transmit the broadcasts, the other two will need to be
able to work with receiving equipment to pick-up the transmissions.
1 EEG machine with computer compatibility. NOTE, an MRI machine may be
substituted for the EEG machine, however they do require the
irradiation of the person being monitored.
1 broadcasting apparatus that works in conjunction with a computer to
modulate the evoked potential data onto the electromagnetic radiation
transmissions. For purposes of this demonstration, the range of the
transmissions need only be about 20 to 50 feet.
2 receiving apparatuses that work in conjunction with a computer to
decipher the above mentioned transmissions.
1 or more individuals to participate in the demonstration. This would
probably work better if the participants were not already being
attacked by the psychotronic weaponry.
Correlation software for at least two of the computers or as mentioned
later possibly for all three. This software either needs to include a
pre-programmed stimulus package or be adaptable to work with one.
After setting up the equipment mentioned, place the electrodes from
the EEG machine up to one of the participants. Using the computer that
will be at the transmission end, begin the pre-programmed stimulus
package and the correlation process. The stimulus package may need to
be repeated for the correlation process. For this demonstration, only
one type of stimulus (auditory, visual, tactile, etc) needs to be
used. The stimulus does however need to correspond to the area of the
brain being monitored by the EEG machine. Once the correlation process
is completed, unhook the participant from the EEG machine. During the
correlation process, a secondary display can be set up to show what is
being correlated and/or how the process works. The data recorded
should be saved to a disc and then loaded into the computer with the
correlation program or one of the computers if both have the software.
At this point, the computer used for correlation in conjunction with
the transmission equipment would begin modulating the electromagnetic
transmission with the evoked potential patterns and begin broadcasting
to the other computers and their receiving equipment. The receiving
computer that has the specific evoked potential data loaded from the
previously mentioned disc would then be able to display the received
signals and what they correspond to in the pre-programmed stimulus
package. The other receiving computer with or without the correlation
software will not be able to display the corresponding stimulus from
the pre-programmed package to the electromagnetic transmissions that
were modulated with the evoked potential patterns without the data
from the previously mentioned disc being loaded into it. The person
running the demonstration could then also change the order that the
electromagnetic transmissions are modulated in the specific evoked
potential patterns from what corresponded to the stimulus package.
This in turn would show up on the receiving computer that was loaded
with the data from the disc. Said demonstrator could then also
manipulate the evoked potential data in the first computer to change
the appearance from the stimulus package. Along the lines of using the
data obtained to transmit a different set of evoked potentials, which
for example purposes would make a black square from the stimulus
package into a green square and a green circle from the stimulus
package into a black circle. Which in turn, would be displayed on the
receiving computer with the data from the disc loaded into it. The
psychotronic weaponry is capable of doing a lot more than this
unfortunately. The third computer mentioned can be made to display the
signals that it receives, much like an EEG display, or could be used
just to show that the signals would be 'noise' to it. By using the
third computer with the correlation software, one could then load the
specific evoked potential data from two separate individuals into the
separate receiving computers. The first computer could then be used to
transmit the different patterns in pulses which would only be
deciphered by the computer with the corresponding data from the discs.
For this demonstration, I would suggest using frequencies that would
not affect the participants unless giving them full warning and having
their consent. All data obtained should be promptly destroyed after
the demonstration.
The rest of this e-mail/post will contain some other methods to
possibly try.
Using an EEG machine hooked up to broadcasting equipment and one
hooked up to receiving equipment. Just to show that the
electromagnetic transmissions can be modulated with evoked potential
patterns. This method could also be used with varying transmission
strength to see if able to pick-up without the receiving equipment or
just by the electrode sensors.
Using an EEG machine with broadcasting equipment to see if the
modulations could be picked up on a MRI machine. Broadcasting the
modulated electromagnetic waves into the MRI to see if it picks them
up. Again using various power levels for the transmissions.
In summary, I hope this helps to clarify that the technology does
indeed exist to carry out the psychotronic attacks. I also hope that
this clears up, or at least points out, a lot of the misinformation
about what can and can not be done with the technology.
Death to psychotronic weaponry. Religion is fraud. James M. Vierling