The modulation pulse simply being the broadcast of an electromagnetic
wave on one frequency with no modulation, then at intervals
broadcasting the same frequency and same power level just with
'information' modulated onto it.
A couple of quick definitions before I go into how the various pulses
could be applied to the psychotronic weaponry.
1. Standing wave - This is actually a contradiction in terms. A wave
transmission will not stop until it dissipates, loses energy or is
acted upon by an external force. In other words, if someone broadcast
1 wavelength of any frequency then stopped the transmission, the wave
or wavelength would not remain stationary. A continuous broadcast on
the same frequency with nothing acting upon it will follow the same
wave shape, thus producing what may appear as a standing wave form.
However, the energy is moving in the wave shape in the direction of
the broadcast. The wave shape or form is simply being re-supplied with
2. Standing field - This occurs when a field is created between two or
more objects and said field does not extend beyond said objects. The
intensity of this field may or may not change, however the waves
(energy along the wave forms) in said field are in motion. This field
also occurs around a single object that has been supplied with energy
and emits continuous waves from it. This standing field occupies the
space around the object that the waves extend to before dissipation.
3. Scalar wave - This is again a contradiction in terms. Wave implies
motion. While certain parts or descriptions of them may be scalar
quantities, the wave itself is not unless used to describe the number
of waves. The intensity or power level of the wave can be described as
a scalar quantity, (1 watt). The frequency of the wave (10 Hz) could
again be described as a scalar quantity. All waves however, have
direction. This would also apply to the description of a pulse.
The electromagnetic pulses as would/could apply to the psychotronic
weaponry. Note the frequencies mentioned are examples. The specific
evoked potential modulation applies both the on/of and the power surge
type pulses and also to the continuous broadcast used in the power
surge type pulse. Entrainment with the on/off pulse can occur due to
the frequency of the pulse, provided it is within the frequencies that
human brainwaves are, or can occur due to the pulse frequency
(repetition rate). For example, pulses with a 10 Hz frequency pulsed
at a repetition rate that someone's brain interprets as an 8Hz
stimulation would result in entrainment to the 8Hz frequency. *(This
is along the same lines as visual or auditory entrainment, as neither
entrains someone's brain to the frequency of the stimulus, light or
sound, but to the frequency or repetition rate of the stimulus
application.) The above mentioned entrainment could also occur due to
the 10Hz pulses being modulated with specific evoked potentials
patterns which the persons' under attack brains would then interpret
as an 8Hz repetition rate stimulus or stimuli. Use of the evoked
potentials modulated onto broadcasts also leads to the use of
sub/supraliminal placement of specific evoked potentials within the
aforementioned evoked potentials. For example if images (evoked
potentials corresponding to) were used in attacking someone, then by
placing an image every so many 'frames' (modulation patterns) like
sub/supraliminals in a television broadcast. Which also can be used as
a method of entrainment. This also leads to a fourth type of pulse. A
power surge within a pulse type of attack. Or if you prefer, turning
on at one power level then increasing/decreasing the power level then
returning to original power level then turning off. Which could be
done on a microsecond level within a millisecond pulse.
The power surge on a continuos wave pulse would be much the same as
above. For example a 25Hz continuous wave could have power surge
pulses that would entrain someone's brain to the repetition rate of
the pulses. Or if you prefer, even though entrainment would occur with
the continuous wave 25Hz broadcast (to 25Hz), the repetition rate of
the power surge pulses would override that entrainment and cause
entrainment to the repetition rate of the pulses. This would be
especially true when the pulses were modulated with specific evoked
potentials which would act like a localized stimulus effect on the
person under attack with the evoked potentials.
The modulation pulse could also be used similar to the other pulse
types. This could also be used to attack more than one person at a
time on the same frequency, as each person's brain will only decipher
the specific evoked potentials attributed to it. A rough comparison
would be like the antenna for wireless internet usage. The same
antenna can be used to both receive and transmit a thousand or more
signals at once which will only be interpreted by a specific computer.
Many of the computers will use the same frequency but will have their
own specific signals. (*NOTE by receive I mean receive the remote
neural monitoring signal/s)
Those are some things to consider for detecting the broadcasts. For
said detection purposes, seeing the images or displaying the words or
turning back into sound from a speaker is not needed, though can be
done. What is needed is a way to correlate the broadcasts to what
occurs in the brain of the person under attack. So starting with the
device in patent number 6377833 (or similar) or an EEG machine with
electrode placement to monitor all or, at least, most parts of the
brain at once and a computer program similar to the one in the patent
above. Also a program to display the mapping of the EEG signals in the
brain. This should at least give a starting or reference point for
detection of the broadcasts. This would also be of use in detecting
the remote neural monitoring frequency that occurs and goes back to
the attackers, which again would also aid in determining the frequency
or frequencies of the attacks. Use of various forms of electromagnetic
shielding would also narrow down the possibilities and could be used
in a 1 layer at a time approach to monitor any changes or just all at
once. There were several devices and modifications to them mentioned
in the patent list and follow-ups to it, and there are probably
hundreds of others, to aid in the detection of the incoming and
outgoing frequencies and their intensity levels. The above patent
states that it can register different intensities for correlation to
the broadcasts. The computer should also be able to overlay any
modulated signals from the detected broadcasts to then correlate with
the signals from monitoring the brain. Any broadcasts meant to
interfere with the process could also be detected and filtered out in
the computer. The correlation process does not have to be done in
real-time at first, (meaning correlating as it happens, as the signals
would have to be time matched). As a sampling of the brain signals can
be stored in the computer along with all of the signals detected and
then the computer can be used to analyze and compare. This will then
lead to frequency detection and then real-time comparison. This would
also aid in detecting any frequency hopping. Again once the signal
frequencies have been detected triangulation is a pretty simple
process, and could be done with the help of someone located a distance
from the first place given the proper frequency, intensity and phase
Now for the above mentioned patents followed by the mentioned list.
There are many other patents that are along the lines of the ones in
the list. I start with some that would/could explain how the weaponry
is used to attack people. The patents mentioned for detection of the
attacks are towards the end of this section. Each will have the patent
number followed by the patent title and the dates when filed and when
granted. (month and year only). I encourage anyone reading to read the
patents in their entirety.
3951134 - Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering
brainwaves. Filed August 1974, Granted April 1976. This one is pretty
much self-explanatory. It does show the need for the users to attack
someone first. It also shows the ability to monitor the entire brain
at once.
4158196 - Man - machine interface. Filed April 1977, Granted June
1979. 1st paragraph under background of the invention, in the first
sentence, replace the word direct with remote and electrical with
electromagnetic. The impulses or action potentials as the patent
states that are picked up by electrodes in the trapezius muscles are
action potentials or impulses that originate in the brain before
traversing the nervous system to the trapezius muscles.
4140997 - Brainwave responsive programmable electronic visual display
systems. Filed July 1977, granted February 1979. Makes reference to
3951134, so it can be used with or as a part of. It leaves plenty of
room to develop it further than as it is described within the patent
when it uses the 1-N bit references for colors, motions or movements,
and shapes for the display and for evoked potential correlation. Can
be used as a brainwave entrainment device with light.
5230344 - Evoked potential processing system with spectral averaging,
adaptive averaging, two-dimensional filters, electrode configuration
and method thereof. Filed July 1992, granted July 1993. Shows ways to
collect, identify and store in memory various evoked potentials. Done
through use of real time correlation of pre-determined stimuli and
evoked potential responses. This is a cause - effect type scenario.
Pre - determined could be anything from radio and television programs
to 'street theater'. This could also be done with remote neural
monitoring and storage of what was monitored then correlating this
with say a video camera from work, all that would be needed is an
exact time frame of a known occurrence within the video to go from, in
either direction, with what was earlier recorded. Can also collect,
identify and store evoked potentials from more than one area of the
brain simultaneously. Also goes into varying frequencies of stimuli,
i.e. brightness or volume. This would/ could account for 'whisper'
type attacks and vary degrees of clarity and shading in the image
attacks. Take into account a much better computer being used.
6397188 - Natural language dialogue system automatically continuing
conversation on behalf of a user who does not respond. Filed July
1999, granted May 2002. This one in the context of the psychotronic
weaponry, relates to a torture technique and should be applied to
evoked potentials also. When used with or within a predictability or
probability computer program type scenario it would/could result in
the illusion of so-called psychic phenomena. Might also aid in the
illusion of time travel. Especially when the pre-determined response
time is set to zero or close to it. This one also applies to creating
the appearance of schizophrenic and/or ADD type disorders in that if
the memory space allotted for the 'conversation' was set at a small
level thus causing it to jump to a different line of 'conversation'
when limit reached. Same if time limit for 'conversation' was set at a
short limit. Could also be adapted to change 'conversation' direction
(open or go through a different gate) when various words were input.
6615197 - Brain programmer for increasing human information processing
capacity. Filed March 2000, granted September 2003. This one pretty
much states that auditory, visual or other types of entrainment
devices can be used to effect memory and cognition (learning process).
Shows that knowledge exists to program memory (human) and some of what
can be used to do so. Used as a part of the psychotronic weaponry it
would/could create false memory and/or reinforce previously programmed
delusions. The claims read like an instruction manual for a
brainwashing program. It flat out states that it programs ' triggers'
associated with bringing back an implanted memory. This one could
easily be adapted to the psychotronic attacks.
6488617 - Method and device for producing a desired brain state. Filed
October 2000, granted December 2002. Desired by whom? This one states
that entrainment can be done through magnetic fields and pulses. It
also refers to 'other' means of collecting the EEG, EMG or MRI data
and feeding to a computer. The QEEG as mentioned might be a way to aid
in the detection of the psychotronic attacks. Paragraph 2 under
background of the invention: Kind of ironic that the patent claims to
fight against what it was found at least 65 years before (Luxemborg
effect) and documented 25 years before (Beck article) that
electromagnetic entrainment causes. This patent is basically about
mood alteration. * Have encyclopedia entry on TMS that does mention
adverse effects. This patent also states that a computer can run the
entrainment system.
4085740 - Method for measuring physiological parameters. Filed March
1966 (This may be typo from patent site), granted April 1978.
Different frequency and/or power level, this is a microwave weapon.
6102847 - Bio-feedback process and device for affecting the human
psyche. Filed June 1998, granted August 2000. Goes into measuring
action potentials on surface of skin. Also states that artificial
neural networks can learn what pisses someone off or not. The next to
last page, page 12, contains a reference to remote activation of
medicaments by either a person monitoring the computer or the computer
doing it itself.
4834701 - Apparatus for inducing frequency reduction in brain wave.
Filed July 1985, granted May 1989. Entrainment device and method using
audible sound. Does not go into programming with it as it is a
relatively short patent.
5649061 - Device for estimating a mental decision. Filed May 1995,
granted July 1997. Assigned to Army. As applied to the remote
monitoring, the filtering process mentioned would be how the attackers
(human or computer) would/could be able to ascertain the line of
sight, visual fixation or even the pupil sizes. This goes back to the
action potentials. This patent also goes into extracting single evoked
potentials from a field of view, or if you prefer a plurality of
evoked potentials. Goes into regression analysis for determination of
specific evoked potentials (means using previously monitored and
recorded evoked potentials and comparing them to determine what a
specific evoked potential translates to). Background of the invention,
paragraph 2 omitted use as a 'trigger' type mechanism in a torture
routine in a computerized or a human controlled torture device.
5392788 - Method and device for interpreting concepts and conceptual
thought from brainwave data and for assisting for diagnosis of
brainwave dysfunction. Filed February 1993, granted February 1995.
Translates to the people with the psychotronic weaponry being able to
use the psychotronic weaponry to attack someone and record the spatial
potentials and evoked potentials that are responses to the attacks.
Becomes a thought reading machine with enough attacks. This one also
corresponds to radio, television or 'street theater' being able to be
used as a system to present stimuli. Also goes into the vectors used
in an artificial neural network for storing data and interpreting
thought. States that the EEG and the SP's and EP's are the same
whether a person is picturing something in their mind or viewing the
actual picture. This would be the same when someone thinks (unvoiced
speech) as when they hear themselves say it out loud or when someone
else says it with variances for tone, pitch and volume. It also says
the same EEG's , SP's or EP's occur in someone's brain whether they
read the word dog or see an actual dog as their brain interprets dog
the same from either. This one also states that if used in the
weaponry, the attackers would know exactly what if any brain
dysfunction they would be causing. Goes into a sort of behavior
modification when a person doesn't think what it wants them to.
6536440 - Method and system for generating sensory data onto the human
neura cortex. Filed October 2000, granted March 2003. Pretty much
self-explanatory. Again use of sound whether below audible, audible,
or above audible frequencies would require close proximity or line of
sight. Does show that pretty much anything put into a computer can be
used for what is transmitted into the brain by the psychotronic
5213562 - Method of inducing mental, emotional and physical states of
consciousness including specific mental activity in human beings.
Filed April 1990, granted May 1993. Basically a brain programmer using
audible sound entrainment and someone else's EEG patterns subliminally
with/in the audible sound. Like most of the other patents, it doesn't
go into the 'other' frequencies, as if the ones it uses weren't bad
enough anyway. Does go into previous research a little. Gives credit
to H.W. Dove for discovering binaural beat phenomena in 1839,
basically means he named it as it was already occurring. Also states
that what is described in the patent worked better on naďve subjects,
which translates into non-consensual human experimentation.
4008714 - Brainwave correlation system and method of delivering a
recorded program of material educational in content. Filed February
1976, granted February 1977. Shows that meditative states aid in brain
programming. Another example of someone pushing parapsychology to get
specimens for their experiments. Correlates EEGs to sound or visual
entrainment aids.
5159703 - Silent subliminal presentation system. Filed December 1989,
granted October 1992. Brain programmer with or without entrainment.
States that it can be used when other sounds are present. Shows how to
detect it. Can be stopped by use of earplugs that stop frequencies
used from entering ear. Also this would show up on EEGs as evoked
potentials even being subliminal.
6565504 - Method and apparatus to create and induce self-created
hypnosis. Filed January 2001, granted May 2003. References in
background of the invention to the mass produced hypnosis devices can
and/or are brainwave entrainment devices with/without script built in
subliminally or aloud and also would include the supposed self-help
type programming tapes. The comments apply to all brainwave
entrainment with or without technological aids. Also note the
reference to drug induced hypnotic states, which would be the
psychotropic and psychoactive drugs. Also note the term "any other
means" when entering data into the computer program. This program
queries the user, the psychotronic weaponry would have the queries
built into it at its end and would be able to build specific torture
routines (scripts) from various effects it receives through the remote
neural monitoring process. This would be within the capabilities of
most artificial neural networks. There is also a reference to the
routines or scripts being delivered back to the user (person under
attack in the psychotronic scenario) by "any other means".
6128527 - Apparatus and method of analyzing electrical brain activity.
Filed December 1997, granted October 2000. Fairly self-explanatory.
Does mention electromagnetic communication between implanted
microelectrode and receiver. Also goes into brain mapping, or if you
prefer brain activity mapping. Uses microelectrodes in or on brain as
opposed to earlier skin electrodes. Everything listed could also be
done with remote neural monitoring.
5788648 - Electroencephalographic apparatus for exploring responses to
quantified stimuli. Filed March 1997, granted August 1998. Another
example of monitoring specific response to stimulus and correlating
them. Does mention 'other' types of sensing apparatus and 'other'
means for applying stimuli. Mentions correlating different responses,
using evoked potentials, to different forms of stimuli. Depending on
the extent of data stored in the memory system, this would/could be
how the attackers see and hear what the person under attack sees and
hears. Would also apply to other sensory inputs. Mentions other
impressions (brainwave signals in response to) magnetic, electric,
temperature, etc. Also mentions real time electromagnetic
transmissions of the data and mentions satellites.
6097981 - Electroencephalograph based biofeedback system and method.
Filed December 1997, granted August 2000. Not in previous list. States
at least one EEG signal encoded/embedded/modulated onto an infra-red
(some infra-red wavelengths fall under the radio frequency wavelength
description also) signal and transmitted to a computer. Shows that a
computer is quite capable of comparing EEG signals (various potentials
included) with previously attained ones. Shows that a computer can
manipulate a display for output back to a person (or images used in
the psychotronic attacks based on the analysis of the EEG signals).
Also goes into using two images, one that the user (person under
attack) is supposed to concentrate on and one for distraction
purposes. (Good guy - bad guy routine) States that there is a 'reward'
type scenario for concentrating on the image that the computer (or
human controlling the system) wants the user (person under attack) to
concentrate on.
5279305 - Electroencephalograph incorporating at least one wireless
link. Filed August 1992, granted January 1994. Not on previous list/s.
Uses telemetry method for transmitting signals. Uses conventional
computer controlled broadcast television tuner.
4926969 - Sensory driven controller. Filed November 1988, granted May
1990. Not on previous list/s. Another version of picking out a
specific evoked potential from a group of evoked potentials in
response to a plurality of stimuli and using it to control a device.
4495950 - QREEG process matrix synchronizer system. Filed January
1983, granted January 1985. Not on previous list/s. Mentions that it
has military applications. Monitors sleep-dream state EEGs, EKGs, etc.
Goes along with using artifacts filtered out of EEG and interpreting
them or using them to monitor other physiological functions and also
all brain functions at one time to determine entire surroundings.
5023783 - Evoked response audiometer for testing sleeping subjects.
Filed June 1990, granted June 1991. Shows monitoring capability while
sleeping. Says can use sound to cause evoked potentials while someone
is sleeping. (Falling asleep with radio or television on is not a good
idea). This type of thing could be used early in the attacks to get
some evoked responses to use for other attacks.
5370126 - Method and apparatus for 3-dimensional mapping of evoked
potentials. Filed March 1993, granted December 1994. Refers to a
continuous or 'movie' type displaying of the evoked potentials. This
particular patent as is, refers more to displaying where in the brain
that the evoked potentials start and the paths that they take through
the brain. Add in the aforementioned interpretation programs for
color, shape, motion, contrast, etc. for visual and tone, pitch,
volume, etc. for sound and basically someone would/could see and hear
whatever someone they would be attacking with the psychotronic
weaponry sees and hears in a movie or continuous display format. Might
be able to use this patent in a detection device, or this patent might
also add in the misdiagnosis with proof of being attacked.
6466185 - Multi-planar volumetric display system and method of
operation using psychological vision cues. Filed August 2001, granted
October 2002. Funded by DARPA. Modify what the patent says to use the
data stream from the remote neural monitoring as its input data
stream. This patent says it does what it does with a 195 MHz
processor. Hmm, I think DARPA has some faster ones. Can be used to
generate virtual reality or holographic displays from separated and
processed EEG stream/s (separating various potentials and 'noise' and
interpreting them). Basically the psychological cues that the patent
makes reference to in order to generate the displays, would
approximate what the Brain programmable display system does with
evoked potentials to create a display.
wave on one frequency with no modulation, then at intervals
broadcasting the same frequency and same power level just with
'information' modulated onto it.
A couple of quick definitions before I go into how the various pulses
could be applied to the psychotronic weaponry.
1. Standing wave - This is actually a contradiction in terms. A wave
transmission will not stop until it dissipates, loses energy or is
acted upon by an external force. In other words, if someone broadcast
1 wavelength of any frequency then stopped the transmission, the wave
or wavelength would not remain stationary. A continuous broadcast on
the same frequency with nothing acting upon it will follow the same
wave shape, thus producing what may appear as a standing wave form.
However, the energy is moving in the wave shape in the direction of
the broadcast. The wave shape or form is simply being re-supplied with
2. Standing field - This occurs when a field is created between two or
more objects and said field does not extend beyond said objects. The
intensity of this field may or may not change, however the waves
(energy along the wave forms) in said field are in motion. This field
also occurs around a single object that has been supplied with energy
and emits continuous waves from it. This standing field occupies the
space around the object that the waves extend to before dissipation.
3. Scalar wave - This is again a contradiction in terms. Wave implies
motion. While certain parts or descriptions of them may be scalar
quantities, the wave itself is not unless used to describe the number
of waves. The intensity or power level of the wave can be described as
a scalar quantity, (1 watt). The frequency of the wave (10 Hz) could
again be described as a scalar quantity. All waves however, have
direction. This would also apply to the description of a pulse.
The electromagnetic pulses as would/could apply to the psychotronic
weaponry. Note the frequencies mentioned are examples. The specific
evoked potential modulation applies both the on/of and the power surge
type pulses and also to the continuous broadcast used in the power
surge type pulse. Entrainment with the on/off pulse can occur due to
the frequency of the pulse, provided it is within the frequencies that
human brainwaves are, or can occur due to the pulse frequency
(repetition rate). For example, pulses with a 10 Hz frequency pulsed
at a repetition rate that someone's brain interprets as an 8Hz
stimulation would result in entrainment to the 8Hz frequency. *(This
is along the same lines as visual or auditory entrainment, as neither
entrains someone's brain to the frequency of the stimulus, light or
sound, but to the frequency or repetition rate of the stimulus
application.) The above mentioned entrainment could also occur due to
the 10Hz pulses being modulated with specific evoked potentials
patterns which the persons' under attack brains would then interpret
as an 8Hz repetition rate stimulus or stimuli. Use of the evoked
potentials modulated onto broadcasts also leads to the use of
sub/supraliminal placement of specific evoked potentials within the
aforementioned evoked potentials. For example if images (evoked
potentials corresponding to) were used in attacking someone, then by
placing an image every so many 'frames' (modulation patterns) like
sub/supraliminals in a television broadcast. Which also can be used as
a method of entrainment. This also leads to a fourth type of pulse. A
power surge within a pulse type of attack. Or if you prefer, turning
on at one power level then increasing/decreasing the power level then
returning to original power level then turning off. Which could be
done on a microsecond level within a millisecond pulse.
The power surge on a continuos wave pulse would be much the same as
above. For example a 25Hz continuous wave could have power surge
pulses that would entrain someone's brain to the repetition rate of
the pulses. Or if you prefer, even though entrainment would occur with
the continuous wave 25Hz broadcast (to 25Hz), the repetition rate of
the power surge pulses would override that entrainment and cause
entrainment to the repetition rate of the pulses. This would be
especially true when the pulses were modulated with specific evoked
potentials which would act like a localized stimulus effect on the
person under attack with the evoked potentials.
The modulation pulse could also be used similar to the other pulse
types. This could also be used to attack more than one person at a
time on the same frequency, as each person's brain will only decipher
the specific evoked potentials attributed to it. A rough comparison
would be like the antenna for wireless internet usage. The same
antenna can be used to both receive and transmit a thousand or more
signals at once which will only be interpreted by a specific computer.
Many of the computers will use the same frequency but will have their
own specific signals. (*NOTE by receive I mean receive the remote
neural monitoring signal/s)
Those are some things to consider for detecting the broadcasts. For
said detection purposes, seeing the images or displaying the words or
turning back into sound from a speaker is not needed, though can be
done. What is needed is a way to correlate the broadcasts to what
occurs in the brain of the person under attack. So starting with the
device in patent number 6377833 (or similar) or an EEG machine with
electrode placement to monitor all or, at least, most parts of the
brain at once and a computer program similar to the one in the patent
above. Also a program to display the mapping of the EEG signals in the
brain. This should at least give a starting or reference point for
detection of the broadcasts. This would also be of use in detecting
the remote neural monitoring frequency that occurs and goes back to
the attackers, which again would also aid in determining the frequency
or frequencies of the attacks. Use of various forms of electromagnetic
shielding would also narrow down the possibilities and could be used
in a 1 layer at a time approach to monitor any changes or just all at
once. There were several devices and modifications to them mentioned
in the patent list and follow-ups to it, and there are probably
hundreds of others, to aid in the detection of the incoming and
outgoing frequencies and their intensity levels. The above patent
states that it can register different intensities for correlation to
the broadcasts. The computer should also be able to overlay any
modulated signals from the detected broadcasts to then correlate with
the signals from monitoring the brain. Any broadcasts meant to
interfere with the process could also be detected and filtered out in
the computer. The correlation process does not have to be done in
real-time at first, (meaning correlating as it happens, as the signals
would have to be time matched). As a sampling of the brain signals can
be stored in the computer along with all of the signals detected and
then the computer can be used to analyze and compare. This will then
lead to frequency detection and then real-time comparison. This would
also aid in detecting any frequency hopping. Again once the signal
frequencies have been detected triangulation is a pretty simple
process, and could be done with the help of someone located a distance
from the first place given the proper frequency, intensity and phase
Now for the above mentioned patents followed by the mentioned list.
There are many other patents that are along the lines of the ones in
the list. I start with some that would/could explain how the weaponry
is used to attack people. The patents mentioned for detection of the
attacks are towards the end of this section. Each will have the patent
number followed by the patent title and the dates when filed and when
granted. (month and year only). I encourage anyone reading to read the
patents in their entirety.
3951134 - Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering
brainwaves. Filed August 1974, Granted April 1976. This one is pretty
much self-explanatory. It does show the need for the users to attack
someone first. It also shows the ability to monitor the entire brain
at once.
4158196 - Man - machine interface. Filed April 1977, Granted June
1979. 1st paragraph under background of the invention, in the first
sentence, replace the word direct with remote and electrical with
electromagnetic. The impulses or action potentials as the patent
states that are picked up by electrodes in the trapezius muscles are
action potentials or impulses that originate in the brain before
traversing the nervous system to the trapezius muscles.
4140997 - Brainwave responsive programmable electronic visual display
systems. Filed July 1977, granted February 1979. Makes reference to
3951134, so it can be used with or as a part of. It leaves plenty of
room to develop it further than as it is described within the patent
when it uses the 1-N bit references for colors, motions or movements,
and shapes for the display and for evoked potential correlation. Can
be used as a brainwave entrainment device with light.
5230344 - Evoked potential processing system with spectral averaging,
adaptive averaging, two-dimensional filters, electrode configuration
and method thereof. Filed July 1992, granted July 1993. Shows ways to
collect, identify and store in memory various evoked potentials. Done
through use of real time correlation of pre-determined stimuli and
evoked potential responses. This is a cause - effect type scenario.
Pre - determined could be anything from radio and television programs
to 'street theater'. This could also be done with remote neural
monitoring and storage of what was monitored then correlating this
with say a video camera from work, all that would be needed is an
exact time frame of a known occurrence within the video to go from, in
either direction, with what was earlier recorded. Can also collect,
identify and store evoked potentials from more than one area of the
brain simultaneously. Also goes into varying frequencies of stimuli,
i.e. brightness or volume. This would/ could account for 'whisper'
type attacks and vary degrees of clarity and shading in the image
attacks. Take into account a much better computer being used.
6397188 - Natural language dialogue system automatically continuing
conversation on behalf of a user who does not respond. Filed July
1999, granted May 2002. This one in the context of the psychotronic
weaponry, relates to a torture technique and should be applied to
evoked potentials also. When used with or within a predictability or
probability computer program type scenario it would/could result in
the illusion of so-called psychic phenomena. Might also aid in the
illusion of time travel. Especially when the pre-determined response
time is set to zero or close to it. This one also applies to creating
the appearance of schizophrenic and/or ADD type disorders in that if
the memory space allotted for the 'conversation' was set at a small
level thus causing it to jump to a different line of 'conversation'
when limit reached. Same if time limit for 'conversation' was set at a
short limit. Could also be adapted to change 'conversation' direction
(open or go through a different gate) when various words were input.
6615197 - Brain programmer for increasing human information processing
capacity. Filed March 2000, granted September 2003. This one pretty
much states that auditory, visual or other types of entrainment
devices can be used to effect memory and cognition (learning process).
Shows that knowledge exists to program memory (human) and some of what
can be used to do so. Used as a part of the psychotronic weaponry it
would/could create false memory and/or reinforce previously programmed
delusions. The claims read like an instruction manual for a
brainwashing program. It flat out states that it programs ' triggers'
associated with bringing back an implanted memory. This one could
easily be adapted to the psychotronic attacks.
6488617 - Method and device for producing a desired brain state. Filed
October 2000, granted December 2002. Desired by whom? This one states
that entrainment can be done through magnetic fields and pulses. It
also refers to 'other' means of collecting the EEG, EMG or MRI data
and feeding to a computer. The QEEG as mentioned might be a way to aid
in the detection of the psychotronic attacks. Paragraph 2 under
background of the invention: Kind of ironic that the patent claims to
fight against what it was found at least 65 years before (Luxemborg
effect) and documented 25 years before (Beck article) that
electromagnetic entrainment causes. This patent is basically about
mood alteration. * Have encyclopedia entry on TMS that does mention
adverse effects. This patent also states that a computer can run the
entrainment system.
4085740 - Method for measuring physiological parameters. Filed March
1966 (This may be typo from patent site), granted April 1978.
Different frequency and/or power level, this is a microwave weapon.
6102847 - Bio-feedback process and device for affecting the human
psyche. Filed June 1998, granted August 2000. Goes into measuring
action potentials on surface of skin. Also states that artificial
neural networks can learn what pisses someone off or not. The next to
last page, page 12, contains a reference to remote activation of
medicaments by either a person monitoring the computer or the computer
doing it itself.
4834701 - Apparatus for inducing frequency reduction in brain wave.
Filed July 1985, granted May 1989. Entrainment device and method using
audible sound. Does not go into programming with it as it is a
relatively short patent.
5649061 - Device for estimating a mental decision. Filed May 1995,
granted July 1997. Assigned to Army. As applied to the remote
monitoring, the filtering process mentioned would be how the attackers
(human or computer) would/could be able to ascertain the line of
sight, visual fixation or even the pupil sizes. This goes back to the
action potentials. This patent also goes into extracting single evoked
potentials from a field of view, or if you prefer a plurality of
evoked potentials. Goes into regression analysis for determination of
specific evoked potentials (means using previously monitored and
recorded evoked potentials and comparing them to determine what a
specific evoked potential translates to). Background of the invention,
paragraph 2 omitted use as a 'trigger' type mechanism in a torture
routine in a computerized or a human controlled torture device.
5392788 - Method and device for interpreting concepts and conceptual
thought from brainwave data and for assisting for diagnosis of
brainwave dysfunction. Filed February 1993, granted February 1995.
Translates to the people with the psychotronic weaponry being able to
use the psychotronic weaponry to attack someone and record the spatial
potentials and evoked potentials that are responses to the attacks.
Becomes a thought reading machine with enough attacks. This one also
corresponds to radio, television or 'street theater' being able to be
used as a system to present stimuli. Also goes into the vectors used
in an artificial neural network for storing data and interpreting
thought. States that the EEG and the SP's and EP's are the same
whether a person is picturing something in their mind or viewing the
actual picture. This would be the same when someone thinks (unvoiced
speech) as when they hear themselves say it out loud or when someone
else says it with variances for tone, pitch and volume. It also says
the same EEG's , SP's or EP's occur in someone's brain whether they
read the word dog or see an actual dog as their brain interprets dog
the same from either. This one also states that if used in the
weaponry, the attackers would know exactly what if any brain
dysfunction they would be causing. Goes into a sort of behavior
modification when a person doesn't think what it wants them to.
6536440 - Method and system for generating sensory data onto the human
neura cortex. Filed October 2000, granted March 2003. Pretty much
self-explanatory. Again use of sound whether below audible, audible,
or above audible frequencies would require close proximity or line of
sight. Does show that pretty much anything put into a computer can be
used for what is transmitted into the brain by the psychotronic
5213562 - Method of inducing mental, emotional and physical states of
consciousness including specific mental activity in human beings.
Filed April 1990, granted May 1993. Basically a brain programmer using
audible sound entrainment and someone else's EEG patterns subliminally
with/in the audible sound. Like most of the other patents, it doesn't
go into the 'other' frequencies, as if the ones it uses weren't bad
enough anyway. Does go into previous research a little. Gives credit
to H.W. Dove for discovering binaural beat phenomena in 1839,
basically means he named it as it was already occurring. Also states
that what is described in the patent worked better on naďve subjects,
which translates into non-consensual human experimentation.
4008714 - Brainwave correlation system and method of delivering a
recorded program of material educational in content. Filed February
1976, granted February 1977. Shows that meditative states aid in brain
programming. Another example of someone pushing parapsychology to get
specimens for their experiments. Correlates EEGs to sound or visual
entrainment aids.
5159703 - Silent subliminal presentation system. Filed December 1989,
granted October 1992. Brain programmer with or without entrainment.
States that it can be used when other sounds are present. Shows how to
detect it. Can be stopped by use of earplugs that stop frequencies
used from entering ear. Also this would show up on EEGs as evoked
potentials even being subliminal.
6565504 - Method and apparatus to create and induce self-created
hypnosis. Filed January 2001, granted May 2003. References in
background of the invention to the mass produced hypnosis devices can
and/or are brainwave entrainment devices with/without script built in
subliminally or aloud and also would include the supposed self-help
type programming tapes. The comments apply to all brainwave
entrainment with or without technological aids. Also note the
reference to drug induced hypnotic states, which would be the
psychotropic and psychoactive drugs. Also note the term "any other
means" when entering data into the computer program. This program
queries the user, the psychotronic weaponry would have the queries
built into it at its end and would be able to build specific torture
routines (scripts) from various effects it receives through the remote
neural monitoring process. This would be within the capabilities of
most artificial neural networks. There is also a reference to the
routines or scripts being delivered back to the user (person under
attack in the psychotronic scenario) by "any other means".
6128527 - Apparatus and method of analyzing electrical brain activity.
Filed December 1997, granted October 2000. Fairly self-explanatory.
Does mention electromagnetic communication between implanted
microelectrode and receiver. Also goes into brain mapping, or if you
prefer brain activity mapping. Uses microelectrodes in or on brain as
opposed to earlier skin electrodes. Everything listed could also be
done with remote neural monitoring.
5788648 - Electroencephalographic apparatus for exploring responses to
quantified stimuli. Filed March 1997, granted August 1998. Another
example of monitoring specific response to stimulus and correlating
them. Does mention 'other' types of sensing apparatus and 'other'
means for applying stimuli. Mentions correlating different responses,
using evoked potentials, to different forms of stimuli. Depending on
the extent of data stored in the memory system, this would/could be
how the attackers see and hear what the person under attack sees and
hears. Would also apply to other sensory inputs. Mentions other
impressions (brainwave signals in response to) magnetic, electric,
temperature, etc. Also mentions real time electromagnetic
transmissions of the data and mentions satellites.
6097981 - Electroencephalograph based biofeedback system and method.
Filed December 1997, granted August 2000. Not in previous list. States
at least one EEG signal encoded/embedded/modulated onto an infra-red
(some infra-red wavelengths fall under the radio frequency wavelength
description also) signal and transmitted to a computer. Shows that a
computer is quite capable of comparing EEG signals (various potentials
included) with previously attained ones. Shows that a computer can
manipulate a display for output back to a person (or images used in
the psychotronic attacks based on the analysis of the EEG signals).
Also goes into using two images, one that the user (person under
attack) is supposed to concentrate on and one for distraction
purposes. (Good guy - bad guy routine) States that there is a 'reward'
type scenario for concentrating on the image that the computer (or
human controlling the system) wants the user (person under attack) to
concentrate on.
5279305 - Electroencephalograph incorporating at least one wireless
link. Filed August 1992, granted January 1994. Not on previous list/s.
Uses telemetry method for transmitting signals. Uses conventional
computer controlled broadcast television tuner.
4926969 - Sensory driven controller. Filed November 1988, granted May
1990. Not on previous list/s. Another version of picking out a
specific evoked potential from a group of evoked potentials in
response to a plurality of stimuli and using it to control a device.
4495950 - QREEG process matrix synchronizer system. Filed January
1983, granted January 1985. Not on previous list/s. Mentions that it
has military applications. Monitors sleep-dream state EEGs, EKGs, etc.
Goes along with using artifacts filtered out of EEG and interpreting
them or using them to monitor other physiological functions and also
all brain functions at one time to determine entire surroundings.
5023783 - Evoked response audiometer for testing sleeping subjects.
Filed June 1990, granted June 1991. Shows monitoring capability while
sleeping. Says can use sound to cause evoked potentials while someone
is sleeping. (Falling asleep with radio or television on is not a good
idea). This type of thing could be used early in the attacks to get
some evoked responses to use for other attacks.
5370126 - Method and apparatus for 3-dimensional mapping of evoked
potentials. Filed March 1993, granted December 1994. Refers to a
continuous or 'movie' type displaying of the evoked potentials. This
particular patent as is, refers more to displaying where in the brain
that the evoked potentials start and the paths that they take through
the brain. Add in the aforementioned interpretation programs for
color, shape, motion, contrast, etc. for visual and tone, pitch,
volume, etc. for sound and basically someone would/could see and hear
whatever someone they would be attacking with the psychotronic
weaponry sees and hears in a movie or continuous display format. Might
be able to use this patent in a detection device, or this patent might
also add in the misdiagnosis with proof of being attacked.
6466185 - Multi-planar volumetric display system and method of
operation using psychological vision cues. Filed August 2001, granted
October 2002. Funded by DARPA. Modify what the patent says to use the
data stream from the remote neural monitoring as its input data
stream. This patent says it does what it does with a 195 MHz
processor. Hmm, I think DARPA has some faster ones. Can be used to
generate virtual reality or holographic displays from separated and
processed EEG stream/s (separating various potentials and 'noise' and
interpreting them). Basically the psychological cues that the patent
makes reference to in order to generate the displays, would
approximate what the Brain programmable display system does with
evoked potentials to create a display.