My Patriot 60gig SSD died the other day on me, I believe due to overheating after being inside an i7 laptop on a very hot summer day.
When connected the computer wont even POST, the controller chip gets fairly hot (maybe reheating it xbox style would fix it).
I have an identical drive (bought them at the same time) which is working OK, so I thought I could unsolder the memory chips from the dead one and put them on these. There's quite a bit of data there I would like to recover.
Any opinon/advice if this would work?
Thanks in advance
My Patriot 60gig SSD died the other day on me, I believe due to overheating after being inside an i7 laptop on a very hot summer day.
When connected the computer wont even POST, the controller chip gets fairly hot (maybe reheating it xbox style would fix it).
I have an identical drive (bought them at the same time) which is working OK, so I thought I could unsolder the memory chips from the dead one and put them on these. There's quite a bit of data there I would like to recover.
Any opinon/advice if this would work?
Thanks in advance