Dead Gateway Essential 633C... power supply?


Alexander DeLarge

Here's the issue... I plug the power cord in... the power supply hums
gently (fan off)... I push the "On" button, then the power supply fan
spins for about 1/5 of a second, the "power" LED on the front comes on
for about 1/5 of a second, and that's it, nothing more.

If I push the button a few more times, nothing happens at all. I have
to unplug the power cord, let the capacitors drain for a moment, plug
it back in, and hit the button to recreate the 1/5 sec power-up

I pulled the P1 connector out of the motherboard to check what was
coming out of the power supply -- there is +5V coming through two
wires while the power supply is in its idle state -- I wasn't able to
measure any changes during that 1/5 sec power-up.

I also bypassed the power button, thinking that might be the problem,
but that wasn't it.

Just wanted to get the opinions of the experts, before I ran out and
bought a new power supply when I didn't actually need one.

Thanks, guys.

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