Most DDS chips have complementary DAC current outputs and the appnotes
usually waste one and go to some effort to bias up a single-ended
comparator. It\'s not any harder to go full diff on the filter, get
twice the swing, and use the zero cross.
To make a clock, the filter can have a ghastly Bode plot. It doesn\'t
have to resemble any of the classic mathematical forms. So it can be
designed by Spice fiddling with parts in stock.
The sketched filter is 5th order, but I might play with 3rd order,
maybe with an elliptic notch, and save a couple of inductors. Probably
not a good idea, actually.
I think we can park the DDS at cos(0) when it\'s not in use, to bias
the comparator way off zero. Some hysteresis would be prudent too.
ADCMP562 has that.
Most DDS chips have complementary DAC current outputs and the appnotes
usually waste one and go to some effort to bias up a single-ended
comparator. It\'s not any harder to go full diff on the filter, get
twice the swing, and use the zero cross.
To make a clock, the filter can have a ghastly Bode plot. It doesn\'t
have to resemble any of the classic mathematical forms. So it can be
designed by Spice fiddling with parts in stock.
The sketched filter is 5th order, but I might play with 3rd order,
maybe with an elliptic notch, and save a couple of inductors. Probably
not a good idea, actually.
I think we can park the DDS at cos(0) when it\'s not in use, to bias
the comparator way off zero. Some hysteresis would be prudent too.
ADCMP562 has that.