DDR Motherboard Take SDRAM?


JR North

I hope I can finish this before my system stalls.....
I have a thermal failure in my motherboard, which is causing
the system to stall as it warms up. It's a 1 gig Athalon
Socket A which uses SDRAM. All the current boards say DDR
sockets. Will a DDR memory motherboard accept the 1.5 GB
SDRAM I have on my board, or do I have to pony up for DDR
memory too when I replace it?
I hate this crap....
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Home Page: http://www.seanet.com/~jasonrnorth
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Nope, different socket.

I believe there are a handful of slightly older board with both DDR and
SDRAM sockets though.

JR North wrote:

I hope I can finish this before my system stalls.....
I have a thermal failure in my motherboard, which is causing
the system to stall as it warms up. It's a 1 gig Athalon
Socket A which uses SDRAM. All the current boards say DDR
sockets. Will a DDR memory motherboard accept the 1.5 GB
SDRAM I have on my board, or do I have to pony up for DDR
memory too when I replace it?
I hate this crap....
"JR North" <jasonrnorth@bigfoot.com> wrote in message
I hope I can finish this before my system stalls.....
I have a thermal failure in my motherboard, which is causing
the system to stall as it warms up. It's a 1 gig Athalon
Socket A which uses SDRAM. All the current boards say DDR
sockets. Will a DDR memory motherboard accept the 1.5 GB
SDRAM I have on my board, or do I have to pony up for DDR
memory too when I replace it?
I hate this crap....
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Home Page: http://www.seanet.com/~jasonrnorth
How do you know you have a 'thermal failure'? Have you looked at the
diagnostic data supplied by your bios? The real heat generator is
usually the processor. Is it possible you've just lost a fan? They do
fail occasionally, and they are much cheaper than motherboards, ram,
processors, etc.

Bob Monsen
JR North said:
I hope I can finish this before my system stalls.....
I have a thermal failure in my motherboard, which is causing
the system to stall as it warms up. It's a 1 gig Athalon
Socket A which uses SDRAM. All the current boards say DDR
sockets. Will a DDR memory motherboard accept the 1.5 GB
SDRAM I have on my board, or do I have to pony up for DDR
memory too when I replace it?
What is generating the excessive heat? This is the first part of all
troubleshooting of PC motherboards.

Š Chaos Master. |"These wounds won't seem to heal
Posting from Brazil. | This pain is just too real
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(most often offline... ) | -- Evanescence, "My Immortal"
JR North <jasonrnorth@bigfoot.com> wrote in message news:<40F177F9.F703C03B@bigfoot.com>...
I hope I can finish this before my system stalls.....
I have a thermal failure in my motherboard, which is causing
the system to stall as it warms up. It's a 1 gig Athalon
Socket A which uses SDRAM. All the current boards say DDR
sockets. Will a DDR memory motherboard accept the 1.5 GB
SDRAM I have on my board, or do I have to pony up for DDR
memory too when I replace it?
I hate this crap....
Now this thing is something that I wish too worked ;)
Unfortunately, DDR sockets are mechanically very different from the
SDRAM sockets. So not much hope of using SDRAM sticks on DDR boards. I
guess you can still find boards that have SDRAM sockets, but these
generally have aged chipsets.

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JR North wrote:
I hope I can finish this before my system stalls.....
I have a thermal failure in my motherboard, which is causing
the system to stall as it warms up. It's a 1 gig Athalon
Socket A which uses SDRAM. All the current boards say DDR
sockets. Will a DDR memory motherboard accept the 1.5 GB
SDRAM I have on my board, or do I have to pony up for DDR
memory too when I replace it?
I hate this crap....
There are plenty of other reasons to cause the symptom you're having.

1. BIOS settings
2. Memory error (Lower the CAS latency to 3 if it's at 2.5 or 2 now)
3. Processor overheat. Check fan bearing. The thing can get draggy and
slow the fan down.
4. You cracked the Athlon core somehow. (not too hard to do)
there is one common problem with some of the older athlons
set ups.
remove the fan from the cpu heat sink and clean out the
remove the heat sink from the cpu. the heat sink tape that
is put there by many garbage heat sink makers many times
hardens up and displaces causes the cpu to not get cooled.
clean it off to make both sides smooth..
use heat sink compound and spread it thin so that to insure
proper contact.
also remove the CPU from the socket and spray it with contain
another problem that happens is when the CPU runs hot to many
times the socket warps and thus contact problem exists.
i have solved many!!!!!!!!!!! problems this way...
also determine if the problem is there with or with out the
cover on the box.
i have found many!!!! times the port hole in the front of the
cabinet gets clogged with dust and then you have to air getting into
the box. leaving the cover off the box may allow the PC to continue
operating! this is a good indication along with the first steps i gave you.

JR North wrote:

I hope I can finish this before my system stalls.....
I have a thermal failure in my motherboard, which is causing
the system to stall as it warms up. It's a 1 gig Athalon
Socket A which uses SDRAM. All the current boards say DDR
sockets. Will a DDR memory motherboard accept the 1.5 GB
SDRAM I have on my board, or do I have to pony up for DDR
memory too when I replace it?
I hate this crap....
JR North <jasonrnorth@bigfoot.com> wrote

I hope I can finish this before my system stalls.....
I have a thermal failure in my motherboard, which is causing
the system to stall as it warms up. It's a 1 gig Athalon
Socket A which uses SDRAM. All the current boards say DDR
sockets. Will a DDR memory motherboard accept the 1.5 GB
SDRAM I have on my board, or do I have to pony up for DDR
memory too when I replace it?
You could salvage two of the cips if you need to.


MSI KM2M Combo-L

Later you could pony up for DDR memory and later still you could upgrade
to a better mainboard, give the Combo-L to your little brother (or
sister), and take the two DDRs with you. Pay as you go.

But better IMO to do it all at once if possible.

Good luck.

I realize this reply might be too late for the individual, but it might
be a common question.

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