DCM Jitter?


Clark Pope

I had planned to generate an ADC clock from a DCM block in my VirtexII. I'm
told the jitter on the DCM output clock is likely to degrade the ADC
performance. The ADC clock is 56 MHz. The source clock will be 8MHz so I
need 7x in the DCM.

Is the jitter really a major problem at 56MHz?

Is the jitter really a major problem at 56MHz?
That depends upon YOUR application.

Get out an old envelope and do some rough calculations.

What's the fastest rise time of a signal you will be looking at?
As an estimate, use the highest frequency sine wave at max amplitude.

How many pico-seconds does your clock need to be off in order to
make a 1 LSB change in the reading?

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Last time I checked, the jitter when using the CLKFX output was surprisingly
large. I needed to multiply by 4X so I cascaded two DCMs together, using
the CLK2X outputs, which had much less jitter. I don't know if CLKFX jitter
has been improved since I last checked.

"Clark Pope" <cepope@mindspring.com> wrote in message
I had planned to generate an ADC clock from a DCM block in my VirtexII.
told the jitter on the DCM output clock is likely to degrade the ADC
performance. The ADC clock is 56 MHz. The source clock will be 8MHz so I
need 7x in the DCM.

Is the jitter really a major problem at 56MHz?

Depends on the application, but off-hand, the answer is most likely it will
result in an unacceptably high noise floor at 56 MHz assuming your bandwidth
requirements are such that a 56 MHz sampling clock is needed.

Clark Pope wrote:

I had planned to generate an ADC clock from a DCM block in my VirtexII. I'm
told the jitter on the DCM output clock is likely to degrade the ADC
performance. The ADC clock is 56 MHz. The source clock will be 8MHz so I
need 7x in the DCM.

Is the jitter really a major problem at 56MHz?

--Ray Andraka, P.E.
President, the Andraka Consulting Group, Inc.
401/884-7930 Fax 401/884-7950
email ray@andraka.com

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, 1759
Clark Pope wrote:

performance. The ADC clock is 56 MHz. The source clock will be 8MHz so I
need 7x in the DCM.

The DCM won't work with an input frequency of 8MHz. The minimum input is
somewhere around 24MHz.

Martin Euredjian

To send private email:
"0_0_0_0_" = "martineu"
"Martin Euredjian" <0_0_0_0_@pacbell.net> wrote in message
Clark Pope wrote:

performance. The ADC clock is 56 MHz. The source clock will be 8MHz so I
need 7x in the DCM.

The DCM won't work with an input frequency of 8MHz. The minimum input is
somewhere around 24MHz.

Martin Euredjian

FCS, how many times does someone say this on here? If you use the CLKFX
output you can use input frequencies down to 1MHz, as long as the output
frequency is over 24MHz. The OP's system will work, but it'll be jittery.
Use the jitter calculator on the Xilinx website to find out how jittery.
cheers, Symsx.>
FCS, how many times does someone say this on here? If you use the CLKFX
output you can use input frequencies down to 1MHz, as long as the output
frequency is over 24MHz. The OP's system will work, but it'll be jittery.
Use the jitter calculator on the Xilinx website to find out how jittery.
cheers, Symsx.
Right you are. I assumed a couple of things here. One, that he needed this
8MHz input clock for the rest of the logic. Of course, you could use more
than one DCM. No problems there.

Jitter for a CLKFX-only implementation is about 0.9ns from 8MHz to 56MHz.
This would affect the SNR performance (due to aperture uncertainty)
attainable by an otherwise good ADC. I assumed that this would not be
acceptable and, therefore, the CLKFX option would not be available. I would
choose to go with a high quality 56MHz clock and divide it down for internal
FPGA logic, if required.

Martin Euredjian

To send private email:
"0_0_0_0_" = "martineu"
Right you are. I assumed a couple of things here. One, that he needed
8MHz input clock for the rest of the logic. Of course, you could use more
than one DCM. No problems there.

Jitter for a CLKFX-only implementation is about 0.9ns from 8MHz to 56MHz.
This would affect the SNR performance (due to aperture uncertainty)
attainable by an otherwise good ADC. I assumed that this would not be
acceptable and, therefore, the CLKFX option would not be available. I
choose to go with a high quality 56MHz clock and divide it down for
FPGA logic, if required.
Martin Euredjian
Good points, your suggestion of using a good 56MHz source and a divided down
enable for the 8 MHz functionality is the way I'd go too.
Cheers, Syms.

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