DCM driving multiple OBUF's ... skew in between ...


Markus Meng

Hi all,

a simple question:

We intend to use a DCM in a Virtex-II Pro to drive multiple OBUF's but
only ne feedback signal - of course. What is the best way to minimize the
delay difference between the OBUF's?

Any help would be appreciated.


Keep the OBUFs to the right or left sides, and near the center of the parts
(least H Clock Tree skew from IOB to IOB <<50 ps).

Worst is to have them in the center of the top or bottom, and go to the
extreme right or left corners (~500 to 600 ps in 2VP100 skew).

You can infer the skew on the hclck tree by examining delays in FPGA editor.


Markus Meng wrote:

Hi all,

a simple question:

We intend to use a DCM in a Virtex-II Pro to drive multiple OBUF's but
only ne feedback signal - of course. What is the best way to minimize the
delay difference between the OBUF's?

Any help would be appreciated.

You may also want to use the DDR output flops in the IOB to
output the clock rather than running them straight through
a simple output buffer. This keeps the clocks on dedicated
clock lines and eliminates a bunch of skew. There are several
app-notes that show this, look at some of the DDR memory ones
for examples.

Here's code a used to drive a clock out to some synchronous SRAM.
Note by swapping the D0 and D1 values you can invert the clock.

// infer a DDR type I/O cell for low clock skew
FDDRRSE uddr_clk(
.Q (sram_clk),
.C0 (g_sr_clk),
.C1 (~g_sr_clk),
.CE (1'b1),
.D0 (1'b1),
.D1 (1'b0),
.R (1'b0),
.S (1'b0)

John Providenza

Austin Lesea <Austin.Lesea@xilinx.com> wrote in message news:<3F8C4846.62042276@xilinx.com>...

Keep the OBUFs to the right or left sides, and near the center of the parts
(least H Clock Tree skew from IOB to IOB <<50 ps).

Worst is to have them in the center of the top or bottom, and go to the
extreme right or left corners (~500 to 600 ps in 2VP100 skew).

You can infer the skew on the hclck tree by examining delays in FPGA editor.


Markus Meng wrote:

Hi all,

a simple question:

We intend to use a DCM in a Virtex-II Pro to drive multiple OBUF's but
only ne feedback signal - of course. What is the best way to minimize the
delay difference between the OBUF's?

Any help would be appreciated.


Youa re absolutely right! I failed to mention that you should always use the DDR FF for clock
forwarding, as it has the best timing performance. Good catch.


John Providenza wrote:

You may also want to use the DDR output flops in the IOB to
output the clock rather than running them straight through
a simple output buffer. This keeps the clocks on dedicated
clock lines and eliminates a bunch of skew. There are several
app-notes that show this, look at some of the DDR memory ones
for examples.

Here's code a used to drive a clock out to some synchronous SRAM.
Note by swapping the D0 and D1 values you can invert the clock.

// infer a DDR type I/O cell for low clock skew
FDDRRSE uddr_clk(
.Q (sram_clk),
.C0 (g_sr_clk),
.C1 (~g_sr_clk),
.CE (1'b1),
.D0 (1'b1),
.D1 (1'b0),
.R (1'b0),
.S (1'b0)

John Providenza

Austin Lesea <Austin.Lesea@xilinx.com> wrote in message news:<3F8C4846.62042276@xilinx.com>...

Keep the OBUFs to the right or left sides, and near the center of the parts
(least H Clock Tree skew from IOB to IOB <<50 ps).

Worst is to have them in the center of the top or bottom, and go to the
extreme right or left corners (~500 to 600 ps in 2VP100 skew).

You can infer the skew on the hclck tree by examining delays in FPGA editor.


Markus Meng wrote:

Hi all,

a simple question:

We intend to use a DCM in a Virtex-II Pro to drive multiple OBUF's but
only ne feedback signal - of course. What is the best way to minimize the
delay difference between the OBUF's?

Any help would be appreciated.


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