Linh Hoang
do you know how to set dc_shell-xg with auto completion on like
design_vision_xg? what i meant is I can use <TAB> key in
design_vision_xg but in dc_shell-xg my <TAB> just generate a regular
8 whitespaces tab. is there somekind of keybidding I need to do for
dc_shell-xg to use <TAB> key? thanks.
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do you know how to set dc_shell-xg with auto completion on like
design_vision_xg? what i meant is I can use <TAB> key in
design_vision_xg but in dc_shell-xg my <TAB> just generate a regular
8 whitespaces tab. is there somekind of keybidding I need to do for
dc_shell-xg to use <TAB> key? thanks.
------------ And now a word from our sponsor ----------------------
For a quality mail server, try SurgeMail, easy to install,
fast, efficient and reliable. Run a million users on a standard
PC running NT or Unix without running out of power, use the best!
---- See http://netwinsite.com/sponsor/sponsor_surgemail.htm ----