I have searched Google and can't find the answer to my question so I'm
going to ask the experts here.
I have an old telephone power supply that outputs approx 58V DC under no
load. I want to use the power supply to drive NEMA 23 stepper motors,
but the driver circuit uses an L298 who's max rating is 50V. Therefore
I need to step the voltage down to something less than 50V. It's
driving motors so it doesn't have to be precise and can fluctuate with
load. I'm hoping for a device that can handle up to 5 or 6 amps.
That's 300W so it's going to be big whatever it is, but that's alright.
Does anyone know what I can use to step down my voltage ? I looked at
www.linear.com and there are a lot of parts that are close, but none
that meet my requirements.
Thank You
going to ask the experts here.
I have an old telephone power supply that outputs approx 58V DC under no
load. I want to use the power supply to drive NEMA 23 stepper motors,
but the driver circuit uses an L298 who's max rating is 50V. Therefore
I need to step the voltage down to something less than 50V. It's
driving motors so it doesn't have to be precise and can fluctuate with
load. I'm hoping for a device that can handle up to 5 or 6 amps.
That's 300W so it's going to be big whatever it is, but that's alright.
Does anyone know what I can use to step down my voltage ? I looked at
www.linear.com and there are a lot of parts that are close, but none
that meet my requirements.
Thank You