DC voltage regulator project


Michael Eisenstadt

Is there an online FAQ to learn how to read a schematic
and how practically to build a project from it? Or an
equivalent book?

Following recommendations from this list I have gotten
as far as to have generated a schematic for my project
at the National Semiconductor site and the parts list for

Thanks in advance for your help.

Michael Eisenstadt
Michael Eisenstadt wrote:
Is there an online FAQ to learn how to read a schematic
and how practically to build a project from it? Or an
equivalent book?

Following recommendations from this list I have gotten
as far as to have generated a schematic for my project
at the National Semiconductor site and the parts list for
First, you need to review the symbols used to represent the components
on the schematic. Do a Google search for [schematic symbols].

Then download the data sheet for any integrated circuits the schematic
includes, and study the physical outlines and pin arrangements, so you
can relate the schematic representation of these devices to the actual
connections. Same goes for any other component that you are not
familiar with. Before you order any parts, make sure you have
selected the version that is in the desired case, sine many parts are
now available in microscopic surface mount versions and larger through
hole cases that are a lot easier to prototype with.

Keep in mind that the schematic lines represent connections between
devices, but assumes that all wiring or circuit board traces have no
resistance or inductance or capacitance ot any other nodes. This is a
risky assumption in power regulators that carry considerable current
in some paths, and in switching regulators, especially, since this
implies fast current switching and fast voltage swings. So you might
draw up a proposed layout for your schematic and post it to a web page
or to alt.binaries.electronic.schematics for discussion before you
begin soldering.

John Popelish
Thanks for spelling out some of the possible gotchas in
this project.

There are only 2 motorized disks in this project with
1 more on its way (they are actually large circular
paintings on canvas). The motors for the 2 paintings
are set up to run on D batteries which need replacement
rather often. So it is not a question of a prototype
for making regulators in quantity.

I do like to do DIY projects but I think that this
one is too difficult and time consuming in terms of
the improvement over simply using D batteries and
an on/off switch.

Mike Eisenstadt

John Popelish wrote:
Michael Eisenstadt wrote:

Is there an online FAQ to learn how to read a schematic
and how practically to build a project from it? Or an
equivalent book?

Following recommendations from this list I have gotten
as far as to have generated a schematic for my project
at the National Semiconductor site and the parts list for

First, you need to review the symbols used to represent the components
on the schematic. Do a Google search for [schematic symbols].

Then download the data sheet for any integrated circuits the schematic
includes, and study the physical outlines and pin arrangements, so you
can relate the schematic representation of these devices to the actual
connections. Same goes for any other component that you are not
familiar with. Before you order any parts, make sure you have
selected the version that is in the desired case, sine many parts are
now available in microscopic surface mount versions and larger through
hole cases that are a lot easier to prototype with.

Keep in mind that the schematic lines represent connections between
devices, but assumes that all wiring or circuit board traces have no
resistance or inductance or capacitance ot any other nodes. This is a
risky assumption in power regulators that carry considerable current
in some paths, and in switching regulators, especially, since this
implies fast current switching and fast voltage swings. So you might
draw up a proposed layout for your schematic and post it to a web page
or to alt.binaries.electronic.schematics for discussion before you
begin soldering.

John Popelish

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