DC motor controller 24 V, 30..50 A


Stef Mientki

I'm looking for DC motor controler,
24 Volts, 30 .. 50 A.

A PC should control the absolute position
of the angle of the motor.
I'm not sure, but I think in general this is called a servo system.

In the past this motor was controled by a linear amplifier.

I can find a lot controlers that connects directly to the mains,
and then switches back to 24 Volt (or less),
but for safety reasons I can not use these.

Has anyone links to dealers or manufactures of such controlers ?

Stef Mientki
Stef Mientki wrote:

I'm looking for DC motor controler,
24 Volts, 30 .. 50 A.

A PC should control the absolute position
of the angle of the motor.
I'm not sure, but I think in general this is called a servo system.

In the past this motor was controled by a linear amplifier.

I can find a lot controlers that connects directly to the mains,
and then switches back to 24 Volt (or less),
but for safety reasons I can not use these.

Has anyone links to dealers or manufactures of such controlers ?
What is wrong with a driver switching the voltage down from
mains ? It is a fair amount of current, a car battery will be
exhaused pretty soon. What do you exactly want ?

Ing.Buero R.Tschaggelar - http://www.ibrtses.com
& commercial newsgroups - http://www.talkto.net
Rene Tschaggelar wrote:
Stef Mientki wrote:

I'm looking for DC motor controler,
24 Volts, 30 .. 50 A.

A PC should control the absolute position
of the angle of the motor.
I'm not sure, but I think in general this is called a servo system.

In the past this motor was controled by a linear amplifier.

I can find a lot controlers that connects directly to the mains,
and then switches back to 24 Volt (or less),
but for safety reasons I can not use these.

Has anyone links to dealers or manufactures of such controlers ?

What is wrong with a driver switching the voltage down from
mains ?
Nothing, wasn't it that this system should be used in a hospital.
It is a fair amount of current, a car battery will be
exhaused pretty soon.
What do you exactly want ?
We have a 24V 100A power supply.
The motor is directly mounted to a chair,
patient is fixed in that chair and
chair should rotate according to specific patterns,
to investigate the equilibrium organ.

The patterns are generated by a PC,
which also records the eye movement and sometimes the EEG.


Stef Mientki wrote:

Rene Tschaggelar wrote:

Stef Mientki wrote:

I'm looking for DC motor controler,
24 Volts, 30 .. 50 A.

A PC should control the absolute position
of the angle of the motor.
I'm not sure, but I think in general this is called a servo system.

In the past this motor was controled by a linear amplifier.

I can find a lot controlers that connects directly to the mains,
and then switches back to 24 Volt (or less),
but for safety reasons I can not use these.

Has anyone links to dealers or manufactures of such controlers ?

What is wrong with a driver switching the voltage down from
mains ?

Nothing, wasn't it that this system should be used in a hospital.

It is a fair amount of current, a car battery will be

exhaused pretty soon.

What do you exactly want ?
We have a 24V 100A power supply.
The motor is directly mounted to a chair,
patient is fixed in that chair and
chair should rotate according to specific patterns,
to investigate the equilibrium organ.

The patterns are generated by a PC,
which also records the eye movement and sometimes the EEG.
Ok, so a normal driver plus controller but another supply.
Short of disconnecting the internal suppy in an existing
device, builing your own controller and driver at this
power level is not trivial.
I'd expected the rigid isolation specifications to apply
only when persons are directly connected. A vaccum cleaner
won't be hospital-isolated I guess.

Ing.Buero R.Tschaggelar - http://www.ibrtses.com
& commercial newsgroups - http://www.talkto.net

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