DC-DC converter


Trimbitas Sorin

I need a DC-DC convertor for a LED flashlight.Do you know a good schematic without any specialised IC?? Vin = 1.2V-2.4V, Vout=>7V
Thank you

With best regards
Trimbitas Sorin
Would you consider using a ferrite core? If yes, I might have an idea.
What output current are you looking for?


"Trimbitas Sorin" <lacroix-iv(NO SPAM)@go.ro> wrote in message
I need a DC-DC convertor for a LED flashlight.Do you know a good schematic
without any specialised IC?? Vin = 1.2V-2.4V, Vout=>7V
Thank you

With best regards
Trimbitas Sorin
If there is no other solution yes.
I need the current to feed 3 blue LEDs(about 20mA each).
By the way I need that the DC-DC converter to be very small.
Thank you

With best regards
Trimbitas Sorin
Da, adresa ramane valida... deci daca vrei am putea vorbi pe e-mail
Mersi mult

With best regards
Trimbitas Sorin
"cirip" <cirip@NOT_VALID.com> wrote in message news:XJC_a.187955$rsJ.154266@news04.bloor.is.net.cable.rogers.com...
| Salut Sorin,
| Daca scot (NO SPAM) din adresa de e-mail, devine adresa valida? Daca da,
| continuam discutia pe e-mail.
| Pentru convertor ar fi nevoie de o oala de ferita cu diametru de vreo
| 10-12mm. Ai asa ceva? Orice traf pe miez de ferita de mici dimensiuni e bun.
| Spune-mi ce ai si mergem mai departe.
| Cirip
| "Trimbitas Sorin" <lacroix-iv(NO SPAM)@go.ro> wrote in message
| news:bhcm1l$10t5f1$1@ID-192809.news.uni-berlin.de...
| > If there is no other solution yes.
| > I need the current to feed 3 blue LEDs(about 20mA each).
| > By the way I need that the DC-DC converter to be very small.
| > Thank you
| >
| >
| > --
| > --
| > With best regards
| > Trimbitas Sorin
| > --
| > http://www.nekhbet.netfirms.com/index_ro.html
| > --
| >
| >
National Semiconductor has a bunch of new versatile "specialized"
(magnetic boost, capacitor boost, buck boost, etc.) circuits designed
to drive leds for illumination. Check their site. I guess you could
build something yourself out of a couple dozen parts, but why.

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