Day 13 of the Israeli War On Gaza



Thursday, 08 January 2009 19:32 Written by Sameh A. Habeeb
Death toll 770, injured 3200 and most of them Civilians Dear Editors,
Journalists and Friends,

I have got three calls from anonymous persons stop blogging or I would
be killed. Yet, I would keep on this track. Some of you do wonder how
I send news in such conditions. I really suffer a lot to send you this
update due to lack of power. I go around 4 kilo meters a day in this
cruel war where I charge my laptop battery to be able to send this
work! This is very risky since ****ls rain down and drones hover over
me! I will keep this up.

This is a new report for the 13th day of Gaza War and the outcomes of
Israeli invasion. For more reporting, breaking news, interviews and
accounts in Gaza, you could reach me on my contact info below. Please
try both numbers below because there is a big problem in communication
resulted in Israeli power cuts.
I'm available 24 hours for media coverage in occupied Gaza. You could
reach me any time in my house. welcome to call me on this number in
the night: Landline:
Mob: 00972599306096
Landline: 0097282802825
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected
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Please, make sure you forward this email to those who you feel are
interested in this matter.

Day 13 of Israeli War On Gaza
Death toll 770, injured 3200 and most of them Civilians
By Sameh A. Habeeb, A Photojournalist, Humanitarian & Peace Activist
in Gaza Strip.
Deadly Outcomes of Israeli Ground Military Operation:
1-Israeli tanks move towards Abu Sha'er area, near Kosopheme area mid
of Gaza Strip.
2-An Israeli air raid in an open area in Gaza.
3-An air raid targeting the house of Mr.Sameeh El nady Middle area.
4-****ling Deir El Balah police station.
5-An air strike targeting El Moghrarby Municipality.
6-Bombarding the house of zakout family(Al Aqsa Brigades) Beit lahia.
7-Destroying a five-storey building belonging to Mr.Merwan Akeel in
Leit lahia.
8-Air raid on the central police station which was hit on the first
day of this war.
9-Destroying a five-storey building belonging to Hawari family in El
Zaitoun neighborhood .
10-Tank ****ling of Abu Haduf area in Qarara, north of khanyounis.
11-Destroying a house belonging to Bawadi family in Jabalia.
12-Destroying a house belonging to Mr.Adnan Abu Shmaisa El Sawarha
area middle area.
13-Targeting with six rockets the police station in Bani Sohaila,
south of khanyounis.
14-Destroying the house of Mr.Mohammad El Sinwar(Qasam)Al Amal
neighborhood in Khanyounis.
15-launching six rockets on the border area.
16-Targeting a house in Al Joneinah neighbourhood in Rafah.
17-Partial destroying of El Sakhra, shopping area in Gaza.
18-Destroying a house belonging to Jondia family in shojae'a-Gaza.
19-Destroying a house belonging to Al Jabri family in shojae'a.
20-****ling a house belonging to Shamia family in Jabalia-Refugee
21-Bombarding a house in Rafah-near the East cemetery.
22-An air raid on two houses belonging to Joma and Fayez El Rahal in
Bait Lahia(four casualties)
23-Targeting two women with a missile south of Qarara.
24-Air raid on a house belonging to Abu Abeer, a key leader for
Popular Resistance Committees in Al sahaba street.
25-Bombardment of Adnan Shaw's house seven casualties one child dead
26- Artillery ****ling south Jabalia.
27-An air attack on a house in Jabalia.
28-Shooting at two vans belonging to UNRWA one injured and one dead.
29-Targeting a car by three missiles-Al Nafak street Gaza.
30-Four Jehad A ctivities killed north of Gaza.
31-Killing an Israeli soldier and injuring other 13 in clashes with
resistance men.
32-Besieging a house belonging to Abu Ghanima family in which several
family members were injured.
33-An air raid on a house in Gaza-Daraj neighborhood.
34-Preventing a ambulance and paramedics from getting the dead bodies
of the people killed north of Gaza.
35-Targeting 97 houses in Rafah.The inhabitants fled to UNRWA schools.
36-****ling Al Nour Al Mohamad mosque, a two storey building in Al
Sheikh Redwan neighborhood.
37-Air raids on orchards and farms belonging to Al Wehaidi and Al
Sorani families.
38-Preventing ambulance men to rescue injured people in Al Zaitoun
Quarter east sout of Gaza City.
39-Clashes between résistance men and the Israeli army around
kosopheme crossing for 14 hours.
40-An Israeli vehicle was destroyed by Palestinian fighters and one
Israeli solider killed.
41-Targeting a group of unarmed citizen in Khanyounis.
42-Destroying a house belonging to Abu kwaik in Al Zaitoun
43-An air raid in meraj street near Raffah Municipalities-many
causalities are reported .
44-Destroying two houses in Rafah belonging to keshta family.
45-Killing the citizen, Jehad Kawareh in Khanyounis.
46-The death of a physician's wife and son in El Shuef area-south
47-Intensive artillery ****ling targeting El Sha'ef area east of Gaza
48-****ling the houses of civilians at Al Zahra quarter by phosphorus
49-Destroying a house belonging to Mr.Nour Baraka in Bani Sohaila
50-UNRWA suspends its services as Israel kills one of its staff.
52-Bombings several targets east of Gaza City.
53-Palestinian paramedics and ambulances get Israeli fire.
54- Water is hardly accesses for hundreds of thousands in northern
areas and Gaza City.
55-Bread is no longer available and only 5 bakeries work out of 47.
56-Palestinian paramedics found 50 dead bodies in many destroyed
houses and open places. Thus, victims' number up to 770 persons.
57-Palestinian fighters launch around 20 rockets into Israeli
58-Gaza still plunges into deep darkness.

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