Chaos Master
Hello people.
Does someone here has a datasheet of the STR F6654 IC that is used in the power
supply section on various TV's made by LG? Looking on Google gave only catalogs
, pages in Russian so I can't read anything, and paid sites.
Chaos MasterŽ - Porto Alegre, Brazil!
IRC #XLinuxNews or #POA of irc.brasnet.org , nick Wizard_of_Yendor .
Powered by NetHack (www.nethack.org) , Slackware 9.1 (Linux User #327480 - at
CygWin, GnuWin32, and so on..
Does someone here has a datasheet of the STR F6654 IC that is used in the power
supply section on various TV's made by LG? Looking on Google gave only catalogs
, pages in Russian so I can't read anything, and paid sites.
Chaos MasterŽ - Porto Alegre, Brazil!
IRC #XLinuxNews or #POA of irc.brasnet.org , nick Wizard_of_Yendor .
Powered by NetHack (www.nethack.org) , Slackware 9.1 (Linux User #327480 - at
CygWin, GnuWin32, and so on..