Datasheet for Vishay (Temic?) TFDS6500 IrDA module?

  • Thread starter Lewin A.R.W. Edwards
  • Start date

Lewin A.R.W. Edwards

Hi all,

I've salvaged a few of the abovementioned IrDA transceivers from old
laptops and would like to use them... but I can't find a datasheet. I
think it is a Vishay part but Vishay's site has no info on that part#,
and when I looked on findchips, I see that America II has them in
stock (but no downloadable datasheet) with a mfr code of "TEM". So I
am guessing Vishay acquired this line from Temic and no longer makes
that specific part. Only sites that mention it are those Russian
payware datasheet bureaux :(

Anyway, if anyone can help me with a pinout at least, it would be
great. This is an 8-pin surface-mount (+2 through-hole stabilizer pins
with no apparent electrical function) IrDA transceiver module, I
assume 115.2kbps and 5V.


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