I have looked everywhere for the data sheet for some old displays
which I found in my inventory but could not find them. Anyone has the
data or pin connection sheets for the following:
NSB5922 multiplexed 5 digit 7 segment led display
N373 multiplexed 2 digit 7 seg led display
NSN382 multiplexed 2 digit 7 seg led display
As far as I can tell they are made my national semiconductor in the
Ali El-Mousa
which I found in my inventory but could not find them. Anyone has the
data or pin connection sheets for the following:
NSB5922 multiplexed 5 digit 7 segment led display
N373 multiplexed 2 digit 7 seg led display
NSN382 multiplexed 2 digit 7 seg led display
As far as I can tell they are made my national semiconductor in the
Ali El-Mousa