For an application I have to transmit data over a dc power supply line.
The supply voltage is 3 or 5V (don't know yet), max. current about 1A.
The bus length will be shorter than 10m. What solution would you prefer
if you are not allowed to use a ready chip for this? It has to be very
cheap and very small! Footprint available is about 1cm X 2cm. There will
be a very lazy microcontroller (1MHz/1KB ROM/128B RAM) available to control.
Up to now, I would generate a certain frequency clock with the micro,
filter it to get something like a sinus and then couple it onto the
power line with a capacitor. Modulation would be AM. For receiving I
would filter the wanted frequency out of the power line and try to
detect the AM signal.
What do you think?
For an application I have to transmit data over a dc power supply line.
The supply voltage is 3 or 5V (don't know yet), max. current about 1A.
The bus length will be shorter than 10m. What solution would you prefer
if you are not allowed to use a ready chip for this? It has to be very
cheap and very small! Footprint available is about 1cm X 2cm. There will
be a very lazy microcontroller (1MHz/1KB ROM/128B RAM) available to control.
Up to now, I would generate a certain frequency clock with the micro,
filter it to get something like a sinus and then couple it onto the
power line with a capacitor. Modulation would be AM. For receiving I
would filter the wanted frequency out of the power line and try to
detect the AM signal.
What do you think?