I'm a beginner in VHDL but want to build in a stall logic in the mips
(pipelined Risc processor) that indicates a LW/SW Hazard.
I thougt this problem could be solved with a stall logic like that:
stall <= '1'
when (id_ex_memread = '1' AND ((register_rs = d_register_rt) OR (register_rt
= d_register_rt))) else '0';
register_rs, register_rt are outputs from the ifetch-stage,
d_register_rt is an output from the execute-stage
My problem is, that if a stall appears, the control register must be set to
I thought a process like that would solve the problem:
pipeline: process(clock, reset)
if reset = '1' then
D_Register_WB <= "00";
D_Register_M <= "000";
D_Register_EX <= "0000";
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
if (stall = '0') then
D_Register_WB(0) <= MemtoReg ;
D_Register_WB(1) <= RegWrite ;
D_Register_M(0) <= MemWrite;
D_Register_M(1) <= MemRead;
D_Register_M(2) <= Branch;
D_Register_EX(0) <= ALUSrc;
D_Register_EX(1) <= ALUOp(0);
D_Register_EX(2) <= ALUOp(1);
D_Register_Ex(3) <= RegDst;
end if;
if (stall = '1') then
D_Register_WB <= "00";
D_Register_M <= "000";
D_Register_EX <= "0000";
end if;
end if;
end process;
Unfortunatly the stall - change will appear in the next clock cycle and not
in the active one.
Does anyone knows a solution to clear the control-register in the same
Christian Klejmann
I'm a beginner in VHDL but want to build in a stall logic in the mips
(pipelined Risc processor) that indicates a LW/SW Hazard.
I thougt this problem could be solved with a stall logic like that:
stall <= '1'
when (id_ex_memread = '1' AND ((register_rs = d_register_rt) OR (register_rt
= d_register_rt))) else '0';
register_rs, register_rt are outputs from the ifetch-stage,
d_register_rt is an output from the execute-stage
My problem is, that if a stall appears, the control register must be set to
I thought a process like that would solve the problem:
pipeline: process(clock, reset)
if reset = '1' then
D_Register_WB <= "00";
D_Register_M <= "000";
D_Register_EX <= "0000";
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
if (stall = '0') then
D_Register_WB(0) <= MemtoReg ;
D_Register_WB(1) <= RegWrite ;
D_Register_M(0) <= MemWrite;
D_Register_M(1) <= MemRead;
D_Register_M(2) <= Branch;
D_Register_EX(0) <= ALUSrc;
D_Register_EX(1) <= ALUOp(0);
D_Register_EX(2) <= ALUOp(1);
D_Register_Ex(3) <= RegDst;
end if;
if (stall = '1') then
D_Register_WB <= "00";
D_Register_M <= "000";
D_Register_EX <= "0000";
end if;
end if;
end process;
Unfortunatly the stall - change will appear in the next clock cycle and not
in the active one.
Does anyone knows a solution to clear the control-register in the same
Christian Klejmann