I use the code below to get the "size" of a cell. Basically, we have
projects ready for tapeout and we use the code below to make sure the
size of the cell is the size we think it is. We do this by having a
prBoundary layer and use this code to make sure nothing is sticking
outside of this boundary(boundary is at X,Y coordinate in the upper
right and this script should give the same number) . However, we
would like to make an exception for the Text layer as to allow Text to
describe pad names, etc...
How do I do this?
Thank you for any help in advance,
let((dataExtent output)
txtFile=strcat("/tmp/" cv~>cellName "_extent.txt")
output=sprintf(nil "Data Extent for Cell %s is \n\n %L"
cv~>cellName dataExtent)
fprintf(fp "Data Extent for Cell %s is %L" cv~>cellName dataExtent)
hiDisplayAppDBox(?name 'noLayerError
?dboxBanner "Information"
?dboxText output
?dialogType hicErrorDialog
?buttonLayout 'Close)
);end let
);end procedure
I use the code below to get the "size" of a cell. Basically, we have
projects ready for tapeout and we use the code below to make sure the
size of the cell is the size we think it is. We do this by having a
prBoundary layer and use this code to make sure nothing is sticking
outside of this boundary(boundary is at X,Y coordinate in the upper
right and this script should give the same number) . However, we
would like to make an exception for the Text layer as to allow Text to
describe pad names, etc...
How do I do this?
Thank you for any help in advance,
let((dataExtent output)
txtFile=strcat("/tmp/" cv~>cellName "_extent.txt")
output=sprintf(nil "Data Extent for Cell %s is \n\n %L"
cv~>cellName dataExtent)
fprintf(fp "Data Extent for Cell %s is %L" cv~>cellName dataExtent)
hiDisplayAppDBox(?name 'noLayerError
?dboxBanner "Information"
?dboxText output
?dialogType hicErrorDialog
?buttonLayout 'Close)
);end let
);end procedure