When I use the following code in the verilog file and compile it with
GPL CVER, I got the error msg.
Does anyone know how to solve it?
Is there anyother way to define a constant parameter in verilog? I
tried "para Num_Lines = 256", but the same err.
------Verilog Code------
localparam Num_Lines = 256
------ERROR MSG------
GPLCVER_2.11a of 07/05/05 (Linux-elf).
Compiling source file "../rtl/l0i_cache.v"
**../rtl/l0i_cache.v(149) ERROR** [1044] instance/gate "Num_Lines"
type "localparam" connection list expected - = read
Many thanks
When I use the following code in the verilog file and compile it with
GPL CVER, I got the error msg.
Does anyone know how to solve it?
Is there anyother way to define a constant parameter in verilog? I
tried "para Num_Lines = 256", but the same err.
------Verilog Code------
localparam Num_Lines = 256
------ERROR MSG------
GPLCVER_2.11a of 07/05/05 (Linux-elf).
Compiling source file "../rtl/l0i_cache.v"
**../rtl/l0i_cache.v(149) ERROR** [1044] instance/gate "Num_Lines"
type "localparam" connection list expected - = read
Many thanks