Customers - Don'tcha Just Luv 'Em ... ?


Arfa Daily

I was in my friend's electrical shop yesterday afternoon, picking up some
hifi repair work. In strode a lady carrying an electric clothes iron. "I'd
like this looked at please" she bellowed. "It's blowing fuses."

My friend looked at it and explained in his kindest tones that the cost of
having the bench engineer strip it and check the problem, plus adding in any
new parts such as a replacement element, if even available, would exceed the
cost of relieving him of a shiny new one.

"What ?" she squawked "It was working absolutely fine before I dropped it !"

The non-plussed looks on my friend and the other lad behind the counter's
faces, were an absolute picture ... :)

"Arfa Daily" <> wrote in message
I was in my friend's electrical shop yesterday afternoon, picking up some
hifi repair work. In strode a lady carrying an electric clothes iron. "I'd
like this looked at please" she bellowed. "It's blowing fuses."

My friend looked at it and explained in his kindest tones that the cost of
having the bench engineer strip it and check the problem, plus adding in
any new parts such as a replacement element, if even available, would
exceed the cost of relieving him of a shiny new one.

"What ?" she squawked "It was working absolutely fine before I dropped it

The non-plussed looks on my friend and the other lad behind the counter's
faces, were an absolute picture ... :)

Arfa.. In the 40's I worked in a repair shop. A lady came in and asked for
the item used on an extension cord. I asked male or female. She turned beet
red and walked out. Another time a fellow brought in a electric coffee
pot.The bakelite base was badly charred. he said when it quit he tried
making coffee on a gas stove with it. WW
In message <>, WW
<> writes
Arfa.. In the 40's I worked in a repair shop. A lady came in and asked for
the item used on an extension cord. I asked male or female. She turned beet
red and walked out.
Hmm, years ago I worked in a television/video repair shop that had a
local porn addict, he asked us to convert his extensive collection of
V2000 tapes to VHS for him and another time he asked us if we could
repair a vibrator.

The shop owner being from the era where a vibrator was more likely to be
a power supply asked him to bring it in so we could have a look.


Another time a fellow brought in a electric coffee
pot.The bakelite base was badly charred. he said when it quit he tried
making coffee on a gas stove with it. WW
We used to get this with the old stainless steel Swan electric kettles,
near the shop there were a lot of bedsits that had coin operated
electric meters so when the occupier ran out of coins they'd stick the
kettle on the gas ring.
Clint Sharp

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