I have a 50MHz clock and I'm trying to make something that uses a
clock signal at 21.48MHz.
The closest I can get the clock signal would be 20MHz with my ideas.
I'm not that crafty with Verilog yet, and am not sure of the
limitations etc. and am quite confused
about how to make custom signals to be frank.
50MHz*.4296 = 21.48MHz but i can't think of any way to perform
floating point math on a clock signal. Any suggestions?
I have a 50MHz clock and I'm trying to make something that uses a
clock signal at 21.48MHz.
The closest I can get the clock signal would be 20MHz with my ideas.
I'm not that crafty with Verilog yet, and am not sure of the
limitations etc. and am quite confused
about how to make custom signals to be frank.
50MHz*.4296 = 21.48MHz but i can't think of any way to perform
floating point math on a clock signal. Any suggestions?