I'd like to create a current meter for a small solar system that I've
built. The system has a couple large deep cycle 6V batteries hooked up
in series. It's mostly used in the evenings and the load is one or two
amps. However, sometimes I like to use some short duration, high
current loads on this system (hand power tools). These loads are on
the order of 30-40A. I've looked into setting up a shunt resistor in
series with load, but I don't like the idea that I could (a) cook that
resistor, or (b) that it's wasting my precious solar electrons with
resistive heating. So, knowing just enough to be dangerous, I've
looked into using some flavor of Hall Effect sensor to measure current
without introducing a resistive load. The H-E sensors that I've looked
at have different sensitivities at different currents. For example, a
0-20A H-E sensor gives better resolution at, say, 3A than a 0-100A H-E
sensor. Given that, I was wondering whether it would be okay to hook
both 0-20A and 0-100A H-E sensors in series with my load. When the
draw is below 20A, read the 0-20A sensor, when it's above, read the
0-100A. If I'm going about this all wrong, then I'd love to hear your
Thanks in advance,
I'd like to create a current meter for a small solar system that I've
built. The system has a couple large deep cycle 6V batteries hooked up
in series. It's mostly used in the evenings and the load is one or two
amps. However, sometimes I like to use some short duration, high
current loads on this system (hand power tools). These loads are on
the order of 30-40A. I've looked into setting up a shunt resistor in
series with load, but I don't like the idea that I could (a) cook that
resistor, or (b) that it's wasting my precious solar electrons with
resistive heating. So, knowing just enough to be dangerous, I've
looked into using some flavor of Hall Effect sensor to measure current
without introducing a resistive load. The H-E sensors that I've looked
at have different sensitivities at different currents. For example, a
0-20A H-E sensor gives better resolution at, say, 3A than a 0-100A H-E
sensor. Given that, I was wondering whether it would be okay to hook
both 0-20A and 0-100A H-E sensors in series with my load. When the
draw is below 20A, read the 0-20A sensor, when it's above, read the
0-100A. If I'm going about this all wrong, then I'd love to hear your
Thanks in advance,