CTX 745a failed PSU workround


Simon Hewison

CTX745a PSU failed. Specs on the PSU were
O/P1 DC 5V 2A
O/P2 DV12v 2.3A

connector was a 6 pin mini din. PSU was manufactured by Potrans
Electrical Corp Ltd of Taiwan.

Simple workaround after realising that a similar external dual
output switch mode PSU would cost lots in single unit quntities,
the output of a convenient PSU was checked against the current
usage, and it was deemed to have sufficient output to power
the monitor as well.

All that was needed was a cable made up to take power from
a hard drive power connector, and present to the appropriate
pins of the mini din connector.

+5v is presented on both pins 6 and 4, presumably due to the
relatively high current on a small connector.
+12v is presented on both pins 5 and 3, presumably to share
current load.

Mini DIN Hard drive power
6------ +5V -------- RED 4
5------ +12V ------- YEL 1
4------ +5V -------- RED 4
3------ +12V ------- YEL 1
2------ GND -------- BLK 3
1------ GND -------- BLK 2
shld--- GND -------- BLK 2

If you're looking to reuse a dead mouse or keyboard cable,
be aware that pins 2 and 6 are not commonly connected to
the cable at the moulded connector. It will work, but watch
the temperature of the cable/connector.

This is of course a workaround, and use of an unapproved PSU
will almost definately void any warranty you may have had.
(though the model in question is no longer manufactured)

Simon Hewison

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