CTC187 HOT still shorts out



Set came in with a blown HOT BUH517, Replace that and the critical caps and
resolder the driver transformer and then pluged it in..Sparks out of the
Flyback. Replace that and started it up again, played for a few minutes and HOT
shorted out again. Checked everything again and still blow out after a few
minutes. Nithing is hot or overheating. I also replace the driver xmfr, diode,
2.4k smr and a few other parts and still have the same problem. Another
repairman told me that the pincushon board could be the problem but when I get
the picture it is veryh good with no pincushion problem..This is a 35 inch set
with a 187 chassis.. Anybody ever had this problem? Thanks
Are you using the exact RCA 223942 output? You've done everything right. The
set should be fixed. Flyback arcing had to be the cause of the failure.

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