
Hi..I have a 52" projection tv, circa 1993...with the ctc169
chassis...on a couple of occasions..having uplugged it...it wouldnt
turn back on...A guy I had been freindly with in the biz...said the
power supply caps were cashing out, because it had very little standby
voltage but later turned on...well...I guess the power went off
breifly or something..and now its been dead for days. I can hear it
draw power when you pull the cord off it. Can I get any help as to
what caps I should be looking at..Im of the understanding caps cant be
tested in circuit. I have lost touch with the other tech..and am in a
bad position right now to replace the tv..any help would be
Usually it's good to start by looking for the things that are misshapen or
smell funny.
Other than what you might find at the bar,
this means you have to see if any of the caps around the power section
(where the cord comes from) are "popped out," or in little pieces like the
one that blew up on my old PC's power supply.
When a unit doesn't function properly, but works great after you leave it on
for awhile, it may indicate the caps are not charging/discharging properly.
Most of them will be ok, but you may notice some with more dust around them
or heat marks on the board.
If you're good at desoldering (or a friend), you may need to remove the caps
you're interested in and use a capacitance check out of circuit, which is
usually part of a good multimeter these days.
I haven't seen the board you're looking at, but the only place to start for
this problem is at the power section.
Anything that looks overheated or loose is suspect.

Good luck anyway

<fatnbald@execulink.com> wrote in message
Hi..I have a 52" projection tv, circa 1993...with the ctc169
chassis...on a couple of occasions..having uplugged it...it wouldnt
turn back on...A guy I had been freindly with in the biz...said the
power supply caps were cashing out, because it had very little standby
voltage but later turned on...well...I guess the power went off
breifly or something..and now its been dead for days. I can hear it
draw power when you pull the cord off it. Can I get any help as to
what caps I should be looking at..Im of the understanding caps cant be
tested in circuit. I have lost touch with the other tech..and am in a
bad position right now to replace the tv..any help would be
+15 volt Standby Rectifier Diode, change it!! Then check out the regulator
for poor condition capacitors areound the regulator driver IC.
"Jer" <jersays@the.time> wrote in message
Usually it's good to start by looking for the things that are misshapen or
smell funny.
Other than what you might find at the bar,
this means you have to see if any of the caps around the power section
(where the cord comes from) are "popped out," or in little pieces like the
one that blew up on my old PC's power supply.
When a unit doesn't function properly, but works great after you leave it
for awhile, it may indicate the caps are not charging/discharging
Most of them will be ok, but you may notice some with more dust around
or heat marks on the board.
If you're good at desoldering (or a friend), you may need to remove the
you're interested in and use a capacitance check out of circuit, which is
usually part of a good multimeter these days.
I haven't seen the board you're looking at, but the only place to start
this problem is at the power section.
Anything that looks overheated or loose is suspect.

Good luck anyway

fatnbald@execulink.com> wrote in message
Hi..I have a 52" projection tv, circa 1993...with the ctc169
chassis...on a couple of occasions..having uplugged it...it wouldnt
turn back on...A guy I had been freindly with in the biz...said the
power supply caps were cashing out, because it had very little standby
voltage but later turned on...well...I guess the power went off
breifly or something..and now its been dead for days. I can hear it
draw power when you pull the cord off it. Can I get any help as to
what caps I should be looking at..Im of the understanding caps cant be
tested in circuit. I have lost touch with the other tech..and am in a
bad position right now to replace the tv..any help would be
CR4118 in the ps secondary, caps in the primary of power supply, half a
dozen other things...get this one to a tech that does a lot of them and it
should be pretty routine. Someone who is not familiar with them could waste
lots of time.


<fatnbald@execulink.com> wrote in message
Hi..I have a 52" projection tv, circa 1993...with the ctc169
chassis...on a couple of occasions..having uplugged it...it wouldnt
turn back on...A guy I had been freindly with in the biz...said the
power supply caps were cashing out, because it had very little standby
voltage but later turned on...well...I guess the power went off
breifly or something..and now its been dead for days. I can hear it
draw power when you pull the cord off it. Can I get any help as to
what caps I should be looking at..Im of the understanding caps cant be
tested in circuit. I have lost touch with the other tech..and am in a
bad position right now to replace the tv..any help would be
Completely rebuid the SMPS
and whilst in there change the
Blue Box caps and diodes.
Then good to go..


"Watch the return E-Mail addy its false"
<fatnbald@execulink.com> wrote in message
Hi..I have a 52" projection tv, circa 1993...with the ctc169
chassis...on a couple of occasions..having uplugged it...it wouldnt
turn back on...A guy I had been freindly with in the biz...said the
power supply caps were cashing out, because it had very little standby
voltage but later turned on...well...I guess the power went off
breifly or something..and now its been dead for days. I can hear it
draw power when you pull the cord off it. Can I get any help as to
what caps I should be looking at..Im of the understanding caps cant be
tested in circuit. I have lost touch with the other tech..and am in a
bad position right now to replace the tv..any help would be
On Wed, 24 Mar 2004 06:02:28 -0500, "Leonard Caillouet" <no@no.com>

CR4118 in the ps secondary, caps in the primary of power supply, half a
dozen other things...get this one to a tech that does a lot of them and it
should be pretty routine. Someone who is not familiar with them could waste
lots of time.

....and one mistake could cause plenty of damage also.


fatnbald@execulink.com> wrote in message
Hi..I have a 52" projection tv, circa 1993...with the ctc169
chassis...on a couple of occasions..having uplugged it...it wouldnt
turn back on...A guy I had been freindly with in the biz...said the
power supply caps were cashing out, because it had very little standby
voltage but later turned on...well...I guess the power went off
breifly or something..and now its been dead for days. I can hear it
draw power when you pull the cord off it. Can I get any help as to
what caps I should be looking at..Im of the understanding caps cant be
tested in circuit. I have lost touch with the other tech..and am in a
bad position right now to replace the tv..any help would be
says in da message <34ab5a3d.0403231954.2c2bad7d@posting.google.com> in da
phuck'n group sci.electronics.repair:

Hi..I have a 52" projection tv, circa 1993...with the ctc169
chassis...on a couple of occasions..having uplugged it...it wouldnt
turn back on...A guy I had been freindly with in the biz...said the
power supply caps were cashing out, because it had very little standby
voltage but later turned on...well...I guess the power went off
breifly or something..and now its been dead for days. I can hear it
draw power when you pull the cord off it. Can I get any help as to
what caps I should be looking at..Im of the understanding caps cant be
tested in circuit. I have lost touch with the other tech..and am in a
bad position right now to replace the tv..any help would be
To test capacitors you need an ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) meter.

And if there are capacitors that look damaged you should obviously replace them.
Visual inspection can help, plus some testing at caps in the SMPS area.

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