I'm winding a coil for a crystal radio. The original plan says to wind
the antenna coil on top of the tuning coil, whereas another version says
to wind the antenna coil *adjacent* to the tuning coil, separated by about
1/4 inch.
If I wind both versions of the antenna coil on the form, will one winding
interfere with the other? That is, I would only hook up one antenna coil
at a time, so should I short the ends of the other (unused) antenna coil
Another couple of questions. I have a few germanium transistors, about a
dozen each of NPN and PNP. What connection should I make to use one of
these as the detector diode - base and emitter or base and collector?
Would a full-wave rectifier setup using four of these as diodes do any good?
--- Joe
the antenna coil on top of the tuning coil, whereas another version says
to wind the antenna coil *adjacent* to the tuning coil, separated by about
1/4 inch.
If I wind both versions of the antenna coil on the form, will one winding
interfere with the other? That is, I would only hook up one antenna coil
at a time, so should I short the ends of the other (unused) antenna coil
Another couple of questions. I have a few germanium transistors, about a
dozen each of NPN and PNP. What connection should I make to use one of
these as the detector diode - base and emitter or base and collector?
Would a full-wave rectifier setup using four of these as diodes do any good?
--- Joe