Ricky Eck
Does anyone know if the Vert chip LA7838 (From a Sanyo 25") will work in
place of a LA7837 (from a Sanyo 19") Upon inspection of my Second Sanyo TV
(The one with the bad Tuner), the Vert chip had a hole burned in it.
Apparently all the banging that my wife did on it, shorted it out or
something. Well, out of the old Sanyo, the tuner worked on the smaller TV,
but now I have to replace the vert chip. Then I will be back up to two TV's
out of Three again.
Thanks, Rick
place of a LA7837 (from a Sanyo 19") Upon inspection of my Second Sanyo TV
(The one with the bad Tuner), the Vert chip had a hole burned in it.
Apparently all the banging that my wife did on it, shorted it out or
something. Well, out of the old Sanyo, the tuner worked on the smaller TV,
but now I have to replace the vert chip. Then I will be back up to two TV's
out of Three again.
Thanks, Rick