crims: TomTom satnav tracks you for how long?



In a recent murder trial, the police said that the TomTom of the
accused showed that they had been at the gravesite a day after
the victims vanished.
So ... how many locations and how many days do these things store
your movements?
Do other brands of satnav also track users?
On 8/04/2011 11:48 PM, Anonymous wrote:
In a recent murder trial, the police said that the TomTom of the
accused showed that they had been at the gravesite a day after
the victims vanished.
So ... how many locations and how many days do these things store
your movements?
Do other brands of satnav also track users?

Most GPS devices have a track buffer containing a certain number of
recent fixes, of course the GPS has to be turned on for this to happen,
and, on my Garmin at least, you can turn it off and/or clear the buffer

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