Phil Allison
"yaputya is a wanted criminal "
** Cute handle = " ya put ya left foot in "
Mimics a famous children's song.
** Staying totally anonymous is obviously because you are a vile psychopath
wanted by the Australian Federal police for child sex crimes.
Same reason you do not want to deal with the folk at Silicon Chip - cos
that would mean giving them your real address.
Got nothing to do with spending a measly $12.
Fuck off and Die like a Pig !!
You lying, pile of fucking shit CRIMINAL TROLL
** Cute handle = " ya put ya left foot in "
Mimics a famous children's song.
Now you get to prove WHO you are, where you are posting from and what you
did post university.
Also, what years were you there ?
So far, you are totally anonymous.
My choice,
** Staying totally anonymous is obviously because you are a vile psychopath
wanted by the Australian Federal police for child sex crimes.
Same reason you do not want to deal with the folk at Silicon Chip - cos
that would mean giving them your real address.
Got nothing to do with spending a measly $12.
Fuck off and Die like a Pig !!
You lying, pile of fucking shit CRIMINAL TROLL