The real Andy
After a recent experience with thieves racking up around $3000 of
transactions (in 1 hour) on my Mastercard, i happened to stumble across some
girl trying to sell me an AMEX card with a U-beaut smart card chip inbuilt.
As I was walking out of a tandy store where the thieves purchased a mobile
phone, she cornered me in one of those stalls set up inside a shopping mall.
I promptly asked the girl "Can your wonderful card prevent this" as I waved
a wad of reprinted transactions that were made by the thieves. She replied
"Yes it can, it has this ultra-secure whizz-bang chip installed into your
card". Anyway, turns out you still need to sign when you make a transaction
and they dont use the chip, so what is the point?? Do these smart cards
actually get used, or are they just there as a marketing tool, simply
providing a false sense of security to the poor consumer that is silly
enough to sign up??
You got to love modern technology, i have printed copies of all the invoices
that theives had to sign to get the goods. I have descriptions, car
registration, video footage. I have the serial numbers of the 2 phones thye
bought, which I have since used to put stops on phones. I now even have
social security numbers and an address. Stupid thieves. Pity the police
won't do anything. I guess it doesn't really matter anyway since MAstercard
foots the bill (i think)..
transactions (in 1 hour) on my Mastercard, i happened to stumble across some
girl trying to sell me an AMEX card with a U-beaut smart card chip inbuilt.
As I was walking out of a tandy store where the thieves purchased a mobile
phone, she cornered me in one of those stalls set up inside a shopping mall.
I promptly asked the girl "Can your wonderful card prevent this" as I waved
a wad of reprinted transactions that were made by the thieves. She replied
"Yes it can, it has this ultra-secure whizz-bang chip installed into your
card". Anyway, turns out you still need to sign when you make a transaction
and they dont use the chip, so what is the point?? Do these smart cards
actually get used, or are they just there as a marketing tool, simply
providing a false sense of security to the poor consumer that is silly
enough to sign up??
You got to love modern technology, i have printed copies of all the invoices
that theives had to sign to get the goods. I have descriptions, car
registration, video footage. I have the serial numbers of the 2 phones thye
bought, which I have since used to put stops on phones. I now even have
social security numbers and an address. Stupid thieves. Pity the police
won't do anything. I guess it doesn't really matter anyway since MAstercard
foots the bill (i think)..